Hanging out with Loona-Part 6

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You started walking home after a long day of work. As you were making your way back to your apartment, you heard footsteps following behind you again. You turned around to see Loona.

Y/N: Oh hey, what are you doing here?

Loona: Loser takes winner out for dinner. I lost the bet, remember?

Y/N: You wanna do that now?

Loona: Yeah I might as well.

Y/N: Whelp, lets head downtown to see what they have over there.

Loona: You lead the way.

Y/N: Okay?

You and loona took a stroll through Imp city looking for a restaurant or diner to celebrate your victory. When you made it to the center of downtown Imp city, there were numerous restaurants who all adopted their own version of some common food cultures from the living world. You saw a Mexican food restaurant that sold barrel size amounts of tall the items on the menu. Across from it was a Steakhouse that made the typical hotdogs, burgers, and grilled meat from an outdoor BBQ. The one next to it was a Asian food restaurant that uses exotic creatures as the meat for its dishes. One of the restaurants after it was an offbrand of McDonalds only with a letter "i" between the M and c including other fast foods on earth. You pointed at the MicDonalds and you and loona both headed over to the chosen diner. You both went inside and waited in line to order. When it was up for your turn. you ordered a double stacked spicy chicken sandwich, two large fries, and a 20 piece chicken nuggets. You took the receipt from the cashier and found a table to eat at. While you were waiting for your order to be called, you went on your phone to pass the time. Loona picked the receipt and looked at the total cost of the food.

Loona: You didn't really go all out with this thing. I thought you'd try to run me dry on money.

Y/N: I could've, but since there's that 24 hours, i can just have you take me out to eat again.

Loona: Eh, sounds unoriginal.

Y/N: Well if you say so, then ill amp up the things you have to do the next 24 hours.

Loona: And if i choose not to do them?

Y/N: You remember back up on the rooftop?

Loona: You better not fucking do that shit again cuz it stung like a bitch!

Y/N: Then do the things i ask and it wont happen.

Loona: Fine, it better not be any weird shit. What the fuck am I even gunna be doing?

Y/N: Youll find out. Im still trying to put together a list.

Cashier: Number 72!

You went up to the counter and took your order back to you and loona's table. You took a bite out of your sandwich and had a sip of  soda.

Loona: Damn, you're just as much of a fat ass like moxxie.

Y/N: What do you mean?

Loona: You got all this for yourself.

Y/N: Well not all of it, these are for you.

You pushed a box of fries and the 20 piece chicken nuggets over to loona.

Loona: Okay?

Loona went back on her phone and ate some of the fries in front of her. She paused for a second, looking away from her phone.

Loona: Hey.

Y/N: Mhm?

Loona: What do you do?

Y/N: I used to work at a store and now I work at IMP.

Loona x Male Reader: Errands For The King of Hell (HelluvaBoss)Where stories live. Discover now