Epilogue-Part 14

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The world had turned into a wasteland. Most of the humans feld to underground bunkers to hide from the creatures that walked the lands, while others that werent able to make it had to live aboveground. The U.N. were debating on whether or not to set off nuclear warheads to completely abolish the monsters. But doing so would put all animal and plant life in risk of total extinction. So instead, a few days after evacuating the civilians from their homes into shelters, recon units from militaries were sent out to remove the monsters that escaped from hell. The only thing that kept the monsters at bay were the human forces, the seraphs, and IMP. The seraphs only came down to assist those who called them under the condition they are followers of god and kill anyone who dares to speak ill of the lord. Religious movements were spreading like wild fires for everyone within bunkers or out in the open. People who were of different religions or atheists were slaughtered in their sleep by just about anyone or executed infront of everyone. In fear, everyone wore a cross over their neck so they wouldnt be murdered. The top priority for IMP around the time was to track down all of the remaining devil worshippers and move onto offing the strangling monsters still roaming around. Driving around on the surface was a death sentence to anyone as factions fought for resources and territories. IMP would only made their appearances for only an hour or less since hanging around would attract scavengers. But moving in the shadows is a different case. The group would spend a night anywhere that wasnt occupied. Hotels, motels, resorts, cabins, houses, shacks, parking lots, train stations, anywhere that was abandoned was used as a temporary stay if they needed more time. Right now, IMP was driving down the highway between the valleys of Arizona.

Moxxie: Blitz could you slow down? Youre going to get us into a car accident going this fast on the roads with broken down vehicles everywhere!

Blitz: Driving this fast is the only way we can have cool air. This thing doesnt have an AC like the van back at home.

You and loona were in the back of the dune buggy with wet towels over your faces.

Loona: The AC in the van doesn't even work most of the time.

Y/N: Well this is better than driving on a bus that one time.

Blitz: Hey, i didnt know it was gunna break down immediately.

Y/N: When youve got spray paint, garbage, cracked windows, a mssing bumper, a smoking exhaust, that didnt do it for you?

Blitz: Well i just thought it looked cool. Like how everything is in the movies during a zombie apocalypse or alien invasions.

Y/N: Were not in a movie blitz. No matter what genre it is.

Blitz: "In a world....."

Y/N: Oh god, not this again.

Blitz: "Where five hellborns are on a mission, to save the planet......."

Loona: Uuuuuuuuuugh!!!!!

[20 Minutes Later]

Blitz: "Will they make it to the cavern? Will they find true love? Will they....."

Y/N, Loona, Moxxie, Millie: WILL YOU SHUT THE FUCK UP??!?

Blitz shrunk in his seat. He was tapping his thumbs on the steering wheel as everything quieted down.

Blitz: Karaoke?

Y/N, Loona, Moxxie, Millie: NO!!

Blitz: Fine ill do it alone.

Moxxie: In. Your. Head.

Blitz: Kay fine. You're no fun you guys. Hmmph.

Blitz was silent to everyone's pleaser. He started whistling a tune to himself for some of the drive.

Y/N: Are you whistling YMCA?

Blitz turned around towards the backseats.

Blitz: *whistling*.........yes?

Y/N: How do you know that song?

Blitz: Why do you recognize that song?

Moxxie: Why aren't you watching the roads?

Blitz: Why arent you.......oh SHIT!!!!!!

The dune buggy was about to ram into the barrier but blitz swerved the vehicle out of the way.

Moxxie: Thats why you get distracted easily when driving. You'd be dead if i didnt say anything.

Blitz: Oh, piss off.

Loona: How far until we find the next monster?

Blitz: Who knows, we'll come across it eventually.

As they were driving further, the sounds of car alarms blaring were getting louder. Cars were being thrown around a raging bull was letting got all of its pent up anger. Once the cars were pushed out of the way, a tectonic balgora stomped the ground with its heavy claws.

Blitz: Alright boys, just like the usual.

Millie: Yep! Just like the good ol times.

You all stepped out of the dune buggy and lined up with your weapons, looking onwards to the giant reptile taking its stance. It trotted across the pavement before curling up into a ball, rolling at the five of you.................

 It trotted across the pavement before curling up into a ball, rolling at the five of you

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