Killing It Once And For All-Part 5

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Y/N: Is it safe to go outside to play yet mom?

??????: Not yet sweetie. We still have to wait for the sirens to stop. 

Y/N: But I want to play outside with my friends. 

??????: Well......hopefully you can see your friends again when its over...................................

??????: .............Y/N.............Y/N.....................Y/N!

Your eyes snapped opened. 

Loona: Hey, youre dozing off ya know?

Y/N: just tired. But i still have to get things ready...for.....tomorrow. 

Your eyes start growing heavy as you start drifting. Loona sees you leaning to the side. She flicks the back your head. 

Y/N: Huh?

Loona: Didn't you say that you still had work to do?

Y/N: Yeah, just let me take a nap and then ill get back to it........................................................

Loona: Dont take too long, cuz I want to go to sleep aswell. 

[5 Hours Later]

Moxxie and Millie stretched their arms out and got up from the makeshift bed the couple made with two recliner chairs. They walked over to the lounge area and looked for something to eat for breakfast. Moxxie was opening cupboards looking for mugs to drink coffee but ended up finding Blitz sleeping away in one of them. He rolled to the side and fell out the cupboard, waking up after hitting the floor. He picked his face up off the carpet floor and stood up using the counter to support his weight. 

Blitz: *Yawn* Fuck you moxxie. 

Moxxie: Sir, I didn't do anything. 

Blitz: Still, i feel like its your fault somehow. 

Moxxie took a bag of coffee grains and went to the coffee maker, only to find the pot missing. He looked around the lounge area for it and still couldn't find it. Moxxie went to the next room and found the coffee pot, but it was filled with broth and some leftover noodles floating in it. He was about to leave with the coffee pot but was stopped by an extraordinary sight. He found you and loona sleeping together in the corner. You were laying your head on loona's stomach and she had her arm resting across your chest. He looked over to the table of paperwork and went to observe it. There were five packets of paper laid out with each of everyone's names written on one. 

Moxxie: Wow, he really did it.

He picked up his papers and flipped through the pages. There was a map of the sewer lines with a path chosen for him, the building containing the other hideout it leads to, and a time setting written for him to go when the tendril creatures were away. He checked his phone time and realized that the time he was supposed to move out for the search is in 15 minutes. 

Moxxie: Oh crumbs! I need to wake him up! Hey Y/N, get up! 

Moxxie was shaking your shoulders as your head wobbled back and forth. 

Y/N: Mmmmmm....just let me sleep in more......

You stretched your arms out before wrapping them around loona, hugging her like a body pillow.

Moxxie: Were gunna be late for the operation! Its in 15 minutes!

Y/N: Oh.....yeah..................................WAIT!!

You shot up wide awake with your eyes open. Your yelp was enough to scare loona awake. You both stared at each other with a slight red blush growing on both faces from the position you found yourselves in. You both stood up with an embarrassed look.  

Loona x Male Reader: Errands For The King of Hell (HelluvaBoss)Where stories live. Discover now