The Threshold Of Armageddon (Finale)-Part 13

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-WE INTERRUPT THE PROGRAM TO BRING YOU THIS IMPORTANT MESSAGE: Remember my bruddahs, dont let the horny consume you. "Silence wench. I do not wish to be horny anymore. I only wish to be happy." You must fight it, theres much potential awaiting for you in the future. Dont let it be the thing that controls who you are. Go on, search for the happiness you're bound to find in this world. Let this be a lesson or wisdom to all of you out there. Now we continue where we left off at.


Y/N: Bliz get the dune buggy. We're heading out in four hours.

Blitz: Fuck yeah!!! We're getting the speed waggon in on the action!!!

Moxxie: What should we bring?

Y/N: Everything, bring it all. All the supplies we've used in the past missions, get it all in one pile and sort it all out. We need to take advantage of everything we have. Here, take this with you guys.

You went to your room and brought your laptop to the living room. You handed your laptop to moxxie, who then opened the screen to see pages filled with documents on the monsters you all faced.

Y/N: I believe this will come in handy.

Moxxie: You did all this?

Y/N: Yes, and hold onto this because i feel like it wont be the last of our little friends that we had to deal with in the past.

Moxxie: Ill get on it immediately. What will you be doing?

Y/N: I need to gather up some things on my end. Ill meet you guys out front of my apartment thirty minutes before we move out.

Blitz: Loonie, you coming with us?

Loona: Ill be helping Y/N out with whatever he needs to get packed for our next mission.

Blitz: Alright then, give me a call when you guys are ready.

Y/N: Got it.

The three left the apartment as loona shut and locked the door on their way out. She longingly looked over her shoulder, seeing you in the corner of her peripheral vision.

Y/N: Now all i need is to look through my closet and see what i wanna take with me.

Loona slowly walked up behind you with her bushy tail and curvy hips swaying with every step she took. She tugged on the bottom of your shirt, pulling you closer to her. She threw her arms on your shoulders, crossing her hands over your chest.

Y/N: You need me?

Loona: Can we take care of this later on? I kinda wanna do something else.~

Y/N: Like what exactly?

Loona: This.~

Loona spun you around and planted her soft lips onto yours. You both stood in the middle of the living room passionately kissing one another, your breathing was growing more rapid than any of the previous times you and loona locked lips together. Loona was walking you back to your bedroom as you both began to strip your clothes off. She took off her dark blue croc top shirt and tossed it on the floor of the hallway as you removed your shirt and hoodie. She backed you up against the bed and you both fell ontop of it. You were laid on your back as loona deepened the kiss more by tilting her head to the side more and ramming her tongue farther into your mouth. You thoroughly enjoyed the dominance from loona and wanted more of it, you placed your hand behind her head and pushed her mouth harder onto yours. She held down your wrists at either side of your head whilst inter locking your fingers together. You wrapped your legs around loona's lower back, desiring more from her. Loona soon picked up on this pleading that came from you and did as you requested. Loona, being in her hellhound form, elongated her long and wet tongue to slither it deep into your throat. You were swallowing up loona's tongue as both your salivas mixed into a hot and slimey mess. She was pressing herself against your crotch as the sensation began to take in effect for loona. She let go of one hand and pulled off her shorts and tossed them off the bed. Your tail looped around loona's thigh and snaked its way down towards loona's nether region. Your tail had a mind of its own as it started curling and extending at a fast pace between her legs. Loona was starting to pant and moan from the pleasure she was feeling.

Loona x Male Reader: Errands For The King of Hell (HelluvaBoss)Where stories live. Discover now