Second stop...Detroit-Part 4

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You woke up to the sound of your door bell ringing. You check to see what the time was on your phone. It read 4:15 am, you still had 2 hours to sleep in before your alarm goes off. You tuck yourself back to bed and shut your eyes hoping whoever is at the front door will go away.....


You tried ignoring the noise but it was starting to annoy you. You stayed in bed for a bit longer, hopefully this time the person at the front door will leave you alone.....


You couldn't stand it anymore. You threw off the covers and marched over to the front door. You huff from the irritation you felt having to wake up like this. You grasp the door knob and open the door. Everyone from IMP was standing outside your front door.

Y/N: The fuck??

Blitz: Heyyy, youre finally awake. Alright come on everyone, Y/N's making breakfast for us.

Moxxie: I want to go back to sleep but i guess i could go for some food.

Millie: Its great for you to invite us over Y/N!

Loona: I hope its worth coming all this way.

You were baffled to why everybody was in your apartment. Millie and moxxie were sitting on your couch while loona and blitz sat at the dining table.

Y/N: The fuck's going on? Why are you guys here?

Moxxie: Blitz told us that you invited us to come over at eat breakfast before we start our next mission.

Millie: Its very kind of you to do such a thing for your coworkers!

You slowly turned your head towards blitz. You walked over to blitz and lifted him up while he still sat in the chair. You walked to the front door and chucked him off the balcony of your apartment. You went back inside and closed the door. Everyone had a shocked expression to the feet of strength they'd just witnessed. You lightly bang your head against the wall.

Moxxie: I suppose that means blitz lied about us being invited over. We should probably leave, sorry to bother you this early Y/N.

Y/N: No no...its fine. I guess ill make breakfast for ya guys.

You went to the kitchen and took out all the ingredients, cooking utensils, and pans to get breakfast made. You cracked out a few eggs into a bowl and whisked them up and poured in some milk to it. You dumped all the eggs into a pan and started moving them around with a spatula. You sprinkled a light amount of salt and pepper over the eggs and set it to the side. You threw a flower tortilla onto a pan and heated it up. You flipped the tortilla a couple times before tossing it onto a plate and filling it up with the scrambled eggs you made. You wrapped up the eggs in the tortilla and served the egg burrito to Millie. You took out a waffle iron and whipped up a bowl of pancake batter and dropped a few blueberries into it. You poured some batter into the waffle iron and closed the top for the batter to cook. You took out some eggs, bread, and cinnamon powder. You whisked some more eggs and dashed a few shakes of cinnamon powder into the eggs. You dipped a few slices of bread into the egg yolk and placed them into another pan. You opened the waffle iron and flipped the waffle onto a plate and drizzled maple syrup onto it before setting the plate in front of Moxxie. You grabbed onto the handle of the pan cooking the French toast and flipped the slices of bread in the air. You took out a container of yogurt, a banana, strawberry jam, and a box of black berries. You dropped the slices of french toast onto a third plate. You began spreading some yogurt onto a slice and stacked another slice ontop of it and did the same to both. You placed a couple blackberries and banana slices on the top layer before glazing everything with strawberry jam. You slid the plate over to loona, who looked puzzled at the dish you gave her. You got out some forks and knives for loona and moxxie to eat both their meals. Loona's eyebrows raised slightly after taking a bite from the odd but appetizing breakfast. You poured the pancake batter into a pan and made some pancakes from what's left of it. Blitz comes through the front door beat up from the fall he took going over the balcony. He sits himself down at the dinning table with everyone. He looks over to see moxxie enjoying a plate with a large blueberry waffle.

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