Fourth stop....Dubai-Part 8

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Loona was riding a dune buggy, she stole from a group of tourist, far out into the desert. She started slowing down and came to a stop. She got out of the vehicle and opened a portal right next to it. The four of you walk out the portal and step into the dry plains of the desert in Dubai. Everyone was wearing light colored clothing to protect themselves from the scorching sun except for blitz, who was wearing a generic hawaiian buttoned up shirt. Moxxie was carrying a desert tent bag to set up in any point of time the group needs to camp out.

Blitz: Hey! I thought we were going to the beach!

Loona: Does this look like the beach to you?

Blitz took a long glare at everything around him. It was bare of any water to the point it could make your throat dry just by looking at it.

Blitz: Hmmmmm, no but they could atleast build a pool out here or something.

Y/N: If you dig deep enough, there's water underneath all this sand. You could probably make the pool yourself.

You said sarcastically.

Blitz: Well I'm gunna get started on at then!

Blitz started digging like a dog that was burying a bone in the backyard, throwing the dirt behind him with each scoop of sand. He dug a 3ft hole and found nothing.

Blitz: I thought you said there was gunna be water??

Y/N: Ya know how the humans drill for oil? They go way deep into the ground, that there just barely touched the surface.

Blitz squinted his eyes at you and continued digging.

Y/N: So this next one came from the ring of sloth?

Moxxie: Yes. It should be easier finding it. Seeing that it came from the sloth ring, it most definitely won't be on the move. But we still have to face the heat of this whole desert.

Moxxie was standing on the side of the dune buggy tying up the mesh of the tent to cover the top of the vehicle since it didnt have a cover for shade.

Moxxie: There atta do it.


A fountain of water was spewing from the ground like a geyser.

Millie: Water!!!!

Loona: How the fuck did you do that?

Blitz: I listened to Y/N's words, i had to dig deeper and guess what, i found water.

You walked over to the hole blitz dug and saw that the water was coming from a large pipe.

Y/N: Im pretty sure you just hit the city's water line.

Blitz: Ehh, someone will come fix it eventually. 

The sand slowly soaked up the water that was leaking out from the pipe line blitz shot. The heat from the sun was beating down upon all of you.

Y/N: Fuck, its hotter than it is in hell out here.

You took off your shirt and submerged it into the water hole. Your body was ripped with muscle, showing little to no signs of built up fat. Your chest was filled in with great definition as well as your arms and shoulders. You swished it around before throwing it over your neck. You dipped your hands into the water hole and splashed your face with the cool water. Everyone was staring at you in disarray.

 Everyone was staring at you in disarray

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Loona x Male Reader: Errands For The King of Hell (HelluvaBoss)Where stories live. Discover now