Fifth stop....Florida-Part 9

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??????: Dispath-14, this is GZ-59, do you copy?

Dispatch-14: GZ-59, this is dispatch-14 , we copy.

GZ-59: Dispatch-14, we have a reported case of three missing civilians after going out to fish at the Oxbow Lake. The woman who made the report was married to one of the men who is currently missing. She claimed the group disappeared and never came back home after two hours of their initial set time. They were last seen in a small motorboat.

Dispatch-14: GZ-59, we'll send in a search party to look for the group. Have a squad of six close off the channels leading to the lake in case you come across them.

GZ-59: Dispacth-14, we copy, GZ-59, over and out..........................................


Loona: Oh fuck!! Ah...ah...ah...ah...ah...ah...mnnnnnnnnnnnah ooooh fuuuck!!!

Y/N: Uh....uh....uh....uhhh...ah....i dont know how long I'll last...

Loona: Is it...too much...for you? Uhhhhh........

Y/N: Im just getting started....this is...nothing...ive got enough energy to go for round four.

Loona: No go for a fourth round.....uhhhhhh....mmmmnnnnnnnnn...

Y/N: Watch me.....uh.......uh......

Loona: I think I'm gunna....uuuuuugh

You and loona were panting heavily and dripping with sweat. Loona's mouth was drooling as her tongue hanged from her mouth, her face was beet red from the both of you testing who could last longer than the other. You couldn't imagine it was going to be this intense doing it with loona. The two of you stared at eachother, hoping the other would call quits already. You picked up another habanero chili pepper and swallowed it whole. You were itching to take a giant swig of your glass of milk, but you were determined to keep going.

Loona: Fuck it, I cant take it anymore!

Loona could no longer withstand the heat and chugged her glass and then yours after. She went to the fridge and started drinking from the jug. You were digging your nails into the table trying to bare trough the pain that grew.

Y/N: Uh....uh.....yes.....I won.....!

Loona: Fuuuuuck why is it so hot!?!

You went to your pantry and pulled out the bottle of honey. You titled your head back and squeezed the bottle for the honey to pour onto your tongue. The stinging pain from the capsaicin that came out of the habanero started settling down. You slumped your body down on the couch.

Y/N: HOOOOOOOOOO that took way too long than it needed, four hours of straight suffering! Use this instead....

You held out the bottle of honey for loona to grab, she immediately rushed over to you and snatched the bottle from your hands. She started downing the honey as well.

Loona: Fuck! Why did i agree to this?

Y/N: You got the idea from the start so i dunno what your talking about.

Loona: Shut your face.

Y/N: Fuck i feel like im overheating, my tongue's cooled but my body's just baked like an oven.

You sat up on the couch and took off your shirt. You wiped off all the sweat from your face and chest and tossed your shirt on the floor. You laid back down on the couch, taking deep breathes for the heat to settle.

Y/N: Fuck, my asshole's gunna be burning for a whole week.

[The Next Day]

Blitz: We've come a long way guys, we've fought through the farthest depths of hell and back. Lets keep up the good work and we'll be done with this shit show in no time.

Loona x Male Reader: Errands For The King of Hell (HelluvaBoss)Where stories live. Discover now