Here for The People 🇺🇦

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I don't know if there are any people of Ukraine reading any of my books, I'm using this book for this because I think it's gonna get reach the most people, I haven't checked my analytics to see if there are people from Ukraine and Russia reading this, To the Russians reading this... I want y'all to know that we don't blame you or your culture for Putin and your government's actions, and I pray for your wellbeing as well. To the Ukrainians... I can't fathom the amount of trauma that you are facing right now... All I can tell you as a third party who hasn't had to go through anything that you have faced is that there's always light at the end of the tunnel and I know that's putting it quite loosely, but We are with you and I pray, pray, pray to the almighty for your well being.

We are there for you.

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