Chapter - 11

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"I really don't like the concept of Parent-teacher conferences," Ash said as Serena and Ash drove back home after she picked him up from the airport, "Well It is a parent right to know how well their children are doing ya know" Serena countered, Ash, let out a sigh, " I don't think you get it, I'm gonna have to sit and talk with people I don't know for hours discussing their children & on top of that there are gonna be multiple people from Alola and that makes me nervous... Anyway, did the package arrive ?" Ash asked changing the topic,

"Yeah it did, I left it in our room since you said that I had to wait until you come back" She clarified, "Yeah," Ash said and in a few minutes Serena pulled up to their driveway and got out, Ash didn't have much luggage with him so he went inside and released the Pokemon and after talking with them for a while went on to take a shower and clean up.

"So you ready ?" Ash asked as he and Serena sat on their bed, "Yep" Serena said as she opened the package, she gasped as she saw what was inside, Inside the box was a small box inside of which was a platinum ring that had a circular sapphire like a gem in Deep blue, "Ash this looks beautiful" She breathed out, "It for you and it serves a purpose that you'll be grateful for" Ash said, "Huh..what do you mean ?" She asked, he took the ring and placed it in her figure and said, "This is a special custom made ring something that A few Famous people who don't want much attention when they're outside use,

It was Sabrina's idea back when I was travelling around Kanto, A psychic shield which prevents people from recognising you but those things have a Purple gem to signify psychic energy but this one is special, It's infused with Aura which means that you can control when you want people to notice you and when not to" Ash said with a smile, Yep truth is Serena just sits at home most of the time because if she goes out then people always surround her and Ask for autographs and the Media, oh the media and their interviews, but same can't be said about when she's with Ash because he uses his psychic abilities to make people not notice her so that they can have their privacy.

Now though Serena can go out at her will for shopping and other things, now the question was how she was gonna control the ring, "Now all you have to do is think of a mantra or something to active the ability of the ring" Ash ended Serena was in deep thought as to what it could be that's when Serena thought of the perfect number for the occasion,  1710, 17th of October when Ash and Serena started dating, "I like your choice" Ash said with a smirk, "I told you not to read my mind like that" Serena said with a cute pout, "How can I not when the most beautiful girl I have ever laid my eyes on goes all red" Ash said, "Oh really" Serena said with a smirk as she went ahead and pushed Ash on his back and started making out with him.

After a few minutes of making out, they released for air as Serena lay next to Ash, "So about the code let's be done with that real quick cause I'm really tired and the open house is on Monday which means I'll have to prepare myself to face parents tomorrow" Ash said with a sigh and then he made 1710 as the code to unlock the powers of the ring and then put the ring onto her hand. Then the couple fell asleep cuddling with each other.

The next day

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