Chapter - 18

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"Holy Arceus Girls, Leave her alone" Hilda shouted, But alas the girls were hell-bent on annoying Serena, Who might I add looked similar to a tomato berry, I mean if someone were to ask you about all kinds of personal things then you would probably be the same....unless your poker face was too good, Unfortunately, Serena's poker face could only do her so much

"oh come on, We know he proposed but we want details" demanded May, "Ok ok, Fine," Serena said with a smirk, She silently called Delphox out who immediately understood what to do and did the same, "You really are a little minx," Hilda said, "You should take Ash's words on that" Serena said with a wink, "Why did you have to go home early today, Hilda asked, "Well firstly, Ash told me that a new car is coming over to That garage in Northern Wyndon and Sec-" She couldn't finish her sentence as she basically ran off to the bathroom,

Hilda freaked out behind her, as she entered Hilda held Serena's hair up, and rubbed her back, "And that" Serena said coughing, "It's the second time today and I'm feeling bloody nauseous" Serena said tiredly, "We're taking you to the doctor. That's a final" Hilda stated firmly, "No~" Serena whined, "Yes, I don't want Ash to go all Mafia mode on me because I didn't do my job" Hilda said,

Nobody Messes with Ash over anything related to Serena, Because Ash said, And I quote, "They belong six feet under the Arceus damned Ground" Jeez, overprotective much.

Hilda drove the S-Class with Serena sitting next to her, keeping to the speed limit, "So Were you serious when you said that you were gonna give the girls punishment ?"Hilda asked, "Of course not, If they get the punishment then the boys will too and I don't want them to get punished for something they haven't done," Serena said Hilda nodded, They pulled up to the hospital,

They waited for their appointment outside Serena was texting Ash who was apparently helping look after his hangover friends along with Brock,

Speaking of which Ash also told Serena that he'd be coming over to Galar the following day, Which made Serena extremely giddy, but now not so much, Ash was protective when it came to Serena and if he finds that she was at the hospital.....Geez, It's would be a recreation of Giratina's final Wrath.

Hilda shudders as she wakes up from her short slumber, Serena and Hilda were being called into the room, "Good Evening Dr Joy" Serena said, And the appointment began

A few minutes later she had given the nurse some sample, Serena had already told her about her nausea, And weirdly enough her mood swings which were worse than the ones she has during her periods, Sylveon sat next to her with her feelers wrapped around Serena's hand, And Ash's Espeon also gave them company, Since Ash had requested her to keep her safe at all times

After about 20 minutes, Serena and Hilda were called back inside the doctor's room, Her face was cheerful, Which gave Serena relief, She didn't want Ash to worry too much about her especially because the missions that the G-Men are doing now are really important to the Pokemon world

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