Chapter - 3

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it was about 10 am when Serena decided to show up, "Hey Ash, and Queen Ilene too," she said, "Mark can you go and get the car ready," I asked him, "Sure" he replied, "So Serena why do you want to go to Lumiose city," llene asked, "To meet my friends and also my brothers in town," she said, "Wait, you have a brother?" I asked, "Yep he's training under Diantha at the Kalos Battle Institute, he had a day off today so I decided to go and meet him, but then I wanted to go shopping as well so I asked my friends to come as well" She said.

Just then Mark came with the car, the car being a Maybach S-Class, "Mark!!" I exclaimed, Ilene giggled, "It's not funny llene" I whined, Serena also giggled, Mark had a satisfied grin on his face, "I swear you do this just to get on my nerves" I said, "Totally" Mark mouthed.

With that Serena and I got in the car, since the Kalos Police HQ is just outside the city, "Mark, drop me off at the HQ and then you can take Serena where ever she wants" I said, "No Ash! It's ok" she said, "Nope, Mark will be your personal butler for today and that's an order" I said firmly, "What! No!" Mark whined, "yes," I said, "And you won't object which means, you'll go shopping with her from store to store carrying her bags along with those of her friends, then I'll call you and then you and you can come and pick me up form the HQ, then we can head back to the city as well" I finished. "Imma get you back for this!" Mark grumbled, "yea sure" I responded.

We were about to reach the HQ, "You really don't have to make Mark do this" Serena said, "It's his punishment and he can't say no to it" i said, we pulled into the LCPD ( Lumiose City Police Department ) , I took out my ID and put it around my neck, "Alright then, Serena if Mark does anything wrong and doesn't listen to you do tell me, 'Kay" I say as I finally got out of the car


"So Serena, where do you want to go," Mark asked, "I'd like to go to Prof. Sycamores Lab first, One of my friends is getting her Starter Pokemon today," I said, Mark nodded and drove me to the Professor's Lab, as soon as I entered I saw Bonnie, "Bonnie!" I exclaimed, she came over and gave me a big hug, "Hey! I said rubbing her back, she then let me go.

"So Bonnie, which Pokemon did you choose as your starter Pokemon?" I asked, "Well since you took Fennekin & Both of our brothers have Chespins I decided to go with Froakie" she said releasing the water type Kalos starter. "Hello, Froakie" I said, "So what are your plans," I asked her as she returned Froakie to his Pokeball, "I need to get some supplies for My Journey," she said, "That's great Shauna also said that she'll come to the mall, so we'll go shopping together," I said, she squealed happily and we made our way outside to where Mark was standing.

"Hey, Mark, We can leave now" I greeted, "Ok Serena, we leave now, Ash said that his meeting will get over in an hour", " So your gonna have to go and pick him up, right," I asked him he shook his head and frowned, "He said that he'll meet us at the mall" Mark said, "I guess when He gives a punishment he means it" he sighed, "I should have just listened to him," Mark said, then continued "Let's get going and who's this little girl," he asked, Bonnie smiled and said, "My name is Bonnie and this is dedene," she said, "Alright then, where are we going next," he asked as he gestured us to get inside the car, "To the mall" bonnie said.

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