Chapter - 6

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The Next day

Ash just got up as he felt something cling on to him as its life depended on him, he opened his eyes cursing as he forgot to close the shutters of the window but be regretted doing so as his eyes sent on the honey blonde whose head was on his chest, sleeping peacefully without a care of the world, he silently took his phone from his bedstand to look at the time, " It's only 8, I guess I could sleep for some more time" he said to himself as he closed his eyes, Serena got up after a few minutes and nearly had a heart attack, her face so red that the scales of a Magikarp would look dull, her mind was set at getting up but her heart was not on the same page, her heart just wanted her to embrace the moment she had with Ash, unknown to her he was awake and was staring at her, a feeling of butterfree's flying through his stomach along with the warm feeling that he feels only when she is with him

"Hey Serena, good morning," he said breaking the silence as she suddenly got up her face red when he asked if she was running a fever or something, she sighed and got up from the bed and without uttering a word left to the washroom leaving him thinking what he did wrong

After a few hours we see both Ash and Serena at the restaurant having their breakfast, Ash was chomping down his breakfast wholeheartedly while Pikachu ate up his food which was dressed in ketchup, Serena was having breakfast but was looking astonishingly at Ash and Pikachu, very kind, Polite and Well mannered but at the sight of tasty food he forgets everything, "I guess the key to this man's heart is through his stomach" she thought to herself with a giggle but it was cut short when a bunch of wild Pokemon gathered around Ash, A bird type Pokemon perched itself on Ash's head, he petted it as he laughed,

"Hey guys," he said to the Pokemon, they all chirped, we then finished breakfast and we decided to go to the mall, but Rookidee didn't leave Ash's side so Ash let it sit perched on his right shoulder, Pikachu was on his left side as well, We walked through the mall, of course, Serena being the Kalos Queen and all dragged Ash and the 2 Pokemon from shop to shop, eventually picking up a few clothes on the way, Every time Serena would Ask him for his opinion Ash would have butterfree's flying through the stomach.

After a few hours they were walking through the streets of wyndon, Ash heard someone call his name, "Ash!" He heard, he turned Around as he got a bone-crushing hug from the girl, she was wearing light blue jeans, a teal coloured sleeveless top and white sneakers, Serena nearly had a heart attack when she hugged him, but a part of her thought that it was just a friendly gesture, a few moments later she pulled back and looked at me then snickered at Ash, "What's this Mr I'm not dense finally got a girl" she said, Serena blushed crimson as Ash had a blank face, "Leaf, for the millionth time, IM NOT DENSE" he said, Now you may think that he didn't listen to the next part, which is absolutely right, Serena and Leaf sighed as a new figure made it, He was wearing a Red tee, with black jeans and black and red sneakers, "Red!" Ash exclaimed as he gave him a firm handshake.

Both the groups were talking and walking Ash and Red were upfront having their conversations, Leaf and Serena were talking about fashion and stuff when leaf asked her" you like him don't you" leaf asked Serena, "Wh-what do y-you me-mean" Serena shuttered, "Come on, just admit it literally every girl in Pallet town has a crush on that kid" Leaf said, "Alright" Serena said in a very low tone, it came out as almost a whisper, "But it doesn't help that he's dense now, does it" Leaf asked, Serena, nodded with a sigh "Cheer up girl, you'll get there, I can tell that he likes you too, he probably doesn't understand it" Leaf said, "Really!" Serena exclaimed, leaf giggled at Serena's enthusiasm and nodded, as if on cue Ash called Serena as Red went to Leaf,

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