Chapter - 1

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Third Person

Early morning, a time where flechlings are chirping, our hero is awakened by a deafening scream, "FLECHLING HOW MANY TIMES DO I HAVE TO TELL YOU NOT TO DO THIS!!", "That was very weird right bud?" Ash asked his cute little yellow starter, which nodded in regard to the question, "Anyway let's go and meet everyone, I bet you all of them have been loving it here in Kalos, especially after being in Kanto for soo long." Ash continued and got out of bed and took a bath and then went down to meet all his Pokemon, he got down the stairs and met Emma, his maid, but to Ash, she was like his own Aunt, "Hey Emma" Ash greeted and heard a purr, "Hello to you too espeon" He greeted, "Good morning Ash" Emma greeted him, "So did Lance or Sis say anything?" Ash asked, "Queen llene didn't say much other than Asking you to call her once in a while,

She says that it's really boring at the palace without you and Lance said Alain and Aria along with Mairin might be coming to visit you today but he didn't specify any timing and you looked tired yesterday so I didn't tell you," Emma said, "Really! Alain, Aria and Mairin too! This is gonna be great!" Ash exclaimed as he got up after eating his breakfast along with Pikachu on his shoulder, he then asked, "Emma could you ask Mark to come and meet me later when he's free, he said that he and the guys are setting up a few things in the base downstairs" and walked out to his Pokemon, he was attacked by all of them, a flamethrower to the face by Charizard, bit on the head by Garchomp, Licked on the face by Lycanroc & Torus and hugged out of his life by Dragonite among other creative ways in which his Pokemon Greet him, he was happy to see them as well.

"Hey you guys," Ash said as he finally stood up " it's been a while but we're here for a mission and I'm sure you all know the importance of it, so I want you all to be extra vigilant, I want the flying squad to go around to the forest in pairs a few times a day to check for suspicious activities, Dragonite, Charizard, Garchomp, Noivern you guys also go there but only if they call you and I'm not here to keep things in check, the others I want you all to train, we are on a mission and we won't give up until the very end" Ash concluded as all the Pokemon made determined growls.

Just then he heard a roar and a Charizard, not as big as his but fairly big and an unfezant different to his landed in front of him, "Alain, Aria and Mairin" Ash said with a wave, "It's been a while, huh!" Alain told Ash, "Surely has," Ash said, "And Aria as well, heard you lost your title," Ash asked, "She was pure talent, Ash. If I ought to lose to someone it would have been her, she has the determination and she lives around here, and you might even have a chance at her" Aria concluded with a wink, Ash had a confused look on his face, the others sighed then he turned to Mairin, "Hey Mairin how are you and Chespie too?" Ash asked the young lady, "He's fine Ash, and I am too" she said with a smile, "Let's go inside guys" Ash said when Aria interrupted "Actually Ash, Mairin and I wanted to go around the town, now that I'm not the Kalos queen I can actually go around and see the world, so I'm taking every opportunity", "That's great I had to Talk about some things with Alain as well" Ash said as he and Alain went in and the Girls went out


You might think that being the Kalos Queen and all, my mother would accept that I have accomplished something in life and my mother may let me sleep in a bit for once, But no! I have to be awakened by a Flecthling using peck me on, waking up half the people in Vaniville town in the process, I had breakfast after a few hours of Ryhorn Riding, after which I decided to head into town, it had been a while and I knew exactly where to go in Vaniville town to get some peace, so I got dressed up and headed down,

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