Chapter - 14

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"Miss Selena" Her students called out, "Yeah," She said as she went over to them, She was teaching them some routines for performances and Co-ordinating, It's been a week since Ash had left for Kanto and she was already craving for him, Adding to the list of negatives is that Ash won't be back for lest a few more months. Hilda was very good company according to Serena Because with Hilda came funny stories of Ash during his training At the G-Men Training Grounds. But Hilda wasn't Ash,

Hilda, on the other hand, was having the time of her life, Being with Serena was real fun, She did miss Hilbert, but she knew the line of work he was employed in, she was working in it as well, But she did notice how sad Serena was without Ash, They did talk everyday for hour's together, She did find it cute.

She was shocked when Ash told her that he was dating, And living together with her as well, For someone like Hilda who was dating for years she thought Ash and Serena were going in a bit too fast in their relationship, but she stood corrected in just a few days that she spent with them, If she understood anything then it was that she had never seen two people who love each other more than them, And it wasn't the mushy kinda love,

It was the pure and genuine kind, But that wasn't the matter at hand right now, Right now was mission Shopping, School had gotten over and She had a few hours before going over and reporting Yell's activities, Serena was driving the Bentley because Ash told her she had to drive all of the cars, which were plentiful, They took Ash's Car to school, She had access to the RS6 Avant, Ash's Bentley's and Turbo S provided she kept under the speed limit.

She knew who Serena was and was surprised when no one noticed, She asked Serena, "Hey why don't people notice that you're the Kalos Queen", "That's because of this *she shows the blue and Pink platinum ring*", "What does the ring have to do with people finding out about you ?" She asked again, Serena then explained to her about the ring, and it's special ability to Change her aura to not let people around her find out about her title as The Kalos Queen, Of course, if she doesn't wear the ring then she'll just get bombarded by the people.

After a few hours of Shopping, which included lots and Lots of Changing, Serena giggled when She thought about how Ash would have hated this, Serena didn't have many friends around Galar, Except Sonia who was a researcher, Then Nessa who was a model and a Gym leader as well, both very busy women, Then there was Bea, She was a bit too Active, she was more of the gym buddy type, after paying for the clothes, Serena and Hilda went over to The Trios.

Now Hilda was straight up bewildered, The Trio was a top-level 7-star restaurant and it was fully booked almost always and the fact that people Used to book tables days in advance didn't help and here she was Walking into one casually, "Hey Serena did you reserve for a table here ?" Hilda asked, Serena, looked at her in surprise, "Hasn't Ash told you that he co-owns The Trio ?" She asked back, Hilda shook her head to show how she didn't know, "Anyways, Ash & I usually come here for dinner" Serena said with a blush, Remembering about all the dates & dinners they had at the restaurant.

As soon as they walked in the receptionist beamed and Walked over to Serena, The she greeted in a low voice, "Good Evening Mrs Ketchum, How May we help you today" Serena blushed, as the receptionist gave her a sly smile, "You know that we aren't married Rebecca!" She whispers yelled at the receptionist or Rebecca, "You two sure as hell act like a married couple, I don't think anyone would believe you if you said you weren't" She said in a matter of fact tone, "I second that" Hilda chimed in, "What is with everyone trying to get me flustered" Serena murmured which was fortunately heard by both The women as they burst out laughing,

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