Chapter - 15

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"Who even are you," Ash asked the two people sitting in his living room, He was slowly starting to get annoyed, People do tend to get annoyed when 2 random strangers come to your house claiming to know you. Suddenly the doorbell rang and a gasp was heard, "Who is it, Bertha ?" Ash asked from the living room where he was sitting, Bertha knew he was irritated already,

He just came back from his office and The other guys went out to go clubbing since it was a Saturday and Ash just wanted to go and talk to Serena, & these two are just getting his inner aura flaring more and more, minute after minute, "Oh you'll love who it is~" Bertha said, Ash looked towards the confused before all the air in his lungs left.

"Mom......Can'" He chocked out as she finally left him, The two other people in the room also got the same treatment, And by the time Ash's Senses were back he was confused to see his mother hugging the two pain in the arse adults in the room, even weirder was when they called her Sister......

Ash was confused and decided enough is enough and Went full-on psychic, Separated all three adults including his mother and read their surface thoughts, his eyes widened, His mother had siblings ?.......the day keeps on getting weirder and weirder. "Put me down this instance young man !" Delia shouted, Ash, put on a blank face, and folded his hands across his chest, "Not until you tell me what the fudge is going on" Ash said irritated, "Delia are you sure he's an Anderson because he just said fudge" The guy said, "What I choose to say in my house is my wish" Ash said now pissed.

A few minutes later, "Let me get this straight....You are Grey and Ayla Anderson, My mothers' Little sister and Big brother", "He's only bigger by a minute !" Delia exclaimed, "Whatever helps you sleep at night Little Delia" He smirked, Delia glared at him and he gulped as she cracked her fists, "Wait, Ayla Anderson......Where have I heard that......." Ash thought, and then his eyes widened as he realised who the hell Ayla Anderson is,

"Aren't you that actress or something, Serena keeps on talking about you?" Ash said, As his phone vibrates in his pocket, Realising that it's Serena calling him on FaceTime, Delia stole the phone from her son, and accepted the call not before teasing him by saying, "I gotta keep in touch with my daughter in law" Leaving a flustered Ash, and a giggling Serena who heard everything who was also flustered.

"How come these 2 aren't married yet?" Grey asked, Ash shook his head and Serena sighed, They have heard enough of all this, They were only dating for 7 months now and They just figured it would be too soon, It wasn't like Serena would say no, Serena And Delia were like best friends, just like how Ash and Grace were, Even Serena's Brother Calem took classes from Ash from time to time, He was under Diantha and He was getting up there quick, Of course, Ash was still at a level of his own.

They were all talking and having a good time until Ayla got a call telling her to meet her producer for a short meeting in Pewter, "Hey Ash, Can you drop me off at The Trio in Pewter ?" she asked her nephew, "Depends on how fast you wanna get there" Ash said with a smirk, did grey mention just how much he liked his nephew at that point of time, "ASAP" Ayla smirked back, Delia had A Shocked expression on her face but Serena beat her to it, "Ketchum, If you go over the speed limit and get into another accident, I'm applying for a license suspension for you!" Ash shivered and laughed nervously before nodding at Serena, Who was still fuming from Galar.

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