Chapter - 5

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"But why do I have to be in Kalos any longer!" I ask Lance grumpily, oh I'm sitting in Lance's room in The G-Men HQ, in the Kanto region, "Mr Ketchum, I believe you know that Kalos houses Team Flare, all we want you to do is to take them down and you can go away from Kalos" Lance said, "You really want me to get RID of Team Flare" I said expressing on Rid, he never gave me something like this since that one time with some underground pokemon Mafia, it took me all of half an hour to get rid of the whole thing, if he asks me to do so then it needs to be serious,

"What is It Lance," I asked seriously, "What do you mean," he said clearly nervous but not giving it away, "You do realise that I'm a Psychic, right ?" I say, "Alright, Alright it's just that they're after Zygarde again, and this time If something happens to Zygarde then Xernas and Yvetal are gonna get involved which will eventually lead to destruction, so we want them all done for, Lysander, Xerois & Malva and anyone else who works for Team Flare, that is your mission, you have all our support although you don't want it and your deadline is the next 6 months" Lance ended, "Consider it done," I said as I went through the door,

I was walking over to The Airport since it was only a few minutes away, Pikachu perched on his spot on my Left shoulder, Lucario walking beside me, gardevoir, Gengar and Dragonite's pokeballs with me, I was thinking of the Trip to Galar, I don't even know why Lance had to do this, a ticket for 2 people to stay in Galar for 2 weeks starting from next week, I have never been to Galar but I don't know who to take with me, I asked Mom she said she can't come, of course, llene cant come, who else are I supposed to ask, 'This is So Frustrating' I thought, I have done so many missions which could end up in me getting Killed yet have I Never felt so Frustrated, "Oh Arceus" I groaned as I walked to the airport.

"Master, you could always ask that Girl from Next door," Lucario said, "That's a great idea................but I don't know Lucario, what if she's busy," I told, "Pika pi Pikachu," Pikachu said, "Alright I'll give it a shot," I said as I entered the private terminal, we checked in and the long flight to Kalos gave me a load of time to have some sleepy time.

The Next Day

"AAAAAAHHHHHH" I screamed as I was awakened by a Gardevoir and her Psychic, "" I said, A thunderbolt is a great way to start but Psychic, oh boy no!, "You need to go and Ask her today Ash," she said telepathically, "right," I say as I rush to the shower, then go and get breakfast, after some training, I go over to Serena's Place, and knock on her door,

"Oh, Ash, a pleasant surprise, what brings you here," Grace said standing at the door gesturing me to come inside, "Actually I wanted to ask Serena about something," I said, "Really, give me a minute," she said as she asked flecthling to call Serena, the little flying type nodded and flew, a minute or so later Serena came down.

"Hey, Serena" I greeted, "Oh hey Ash," she said with a smile, "I'll let you two to it," Grace said and went towards the Kitchen, "Um so what made you want to come here," she asked, "Well, firstly why don't you take a seat," I said as she sat down on the couch, "Well, the company Provided gave me a 2-week vacation to Galar for 2 people, I didn't know who to take with me since, Mom isn't interested and Sis, well she's sis and can't go with me, so Lucario told me to ask you if you wanted to come with me to Galar," I asked nervously, I don't even know what I'm nervous for, this is new,

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