Chapter - 8

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"Once again Welcome to Wyndon High, Mr Ketchum, hope you have a wonderful time teaching the kids at this academy" Mr Mathew the principal of the school said as Ash got out of the principal's office. Till now he didn't get into any trouble considering that he's never dealt with high school kids before. Of course, he was prepared for anything and everything. He didn't have Pikachu with him but he did have Dragonite, Gengar, Lucario, gardevoir and rookidee with him in their respective Pokeballs.

Ash wanted his class to be different, he wanted to do whatever he did with a certain level of passion and this new endeavour that was brought to him meant no less. He already had a Pokemon breeder bring in 80 Pokemon eggs of various different Pokemon to give to his students, this was part of his ideal. Raising an egg from birth and bringing them up to become strong and powerful in their own ways.

It was about time for Ash's first class of the day. Only 80 students had taken Pokemon battling this year, divided into 4 batches of 20 students each. All classes are being held one after the other. Each class were an hour long. But for now, All the classes were called together to distribute the eggs. Within the next few moments, the kids started to enter the Auditorium, the sounds of shuffling of feet continued till Ash stood at the dais and help the mic up to his face and lightly tapped it to see if it was working, after taping it twice he held it up to his face,

"Good Morning Students, I hope you all are having a wonderful day as of yet," Ash said and paused as cheers were heard, "My name is Ash Ketchum, I'm 21 and am gonna be your new Pokemon Battling Teacher. Now I have this opportunity to come and teach you guys everything I know" Ash said, "I'm not gonna bore you with stuff and we can skip to the good part. I believe in fresh beginnings and since you are gonna be the first batch that I'm gonna teach I want to have you all start fresh as well" Ash said,

anxiety visible on the faces of the students as Ash clicked a button and The workers of The Pewter Pokemon Breeding Center came inside with all the eggs in Incubators ready to be taken by the students, "These as you can tell are Pokemon eggs and very soon all of you guys are gonna get on of them, courtesy of My Friends Dr Brock Stone, Flint Stone and Professor Gary Oak from Kanto" Ash paused as everyone started clapping.

"Now as I call out your names I want you to come up here and collect the egg, All of them are different and no one knows what kind of pokemon is inside, most of the eggs will hatch in about a week or two, and there are Pokemon from all around the 8 regions of the world, Kanto to Alola and some Galar Pokemon according to the information given to me" Ash ended and went towards the eggs, A worker then talked to Ash and then went towards the dais with an iPad that Ash gave to him.

Over the next 30 minutes, Ash learned the names of all the students and studied their auras and put a face to their names, being a psychic helps he thought as he gave all of them those respective eggs, then he went over to the dais again, "Alright now that this is over, all of you please take care of those eggs, the next two weeks we'll be going through the basics of battling and we need a representative from each class which you can decide among yourself just report about it to me when I come to your class later, it's almost time for your next class so all of you can take your leave, leave your respective eggs at the dorms and then head over to your next class, thank you for cooperating with me, you can leave now" Ash ended and got down.

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