Chapter - 13

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"WHO ARE YOU AND WHAT ARE YOU DOING AT ASHY BOO'S PLACE!!!" Gary shouted as he saw Serena open the door, Even Salvia was quite surprised to see The beautiful honey blonde, that's  when realisation hit her hard, She was a die-hard fan of Pokemon Performances and Coordinating so she just squealed and pushed Gary to the side before going to Serena and telling her that she was a big fan and whatnot, "Do you know her Sal?" Gary asked his girlfriend, she nodded frantically before smacking him on the head and saying, "How come you don't know her Gare-Bear" in An angry tone, Gary gulped As Ash came down the stairs to his rescue. For now.

He was wearing a grey suit with a teal tie and a white shirt paired with Black shoes, he had their bags, one having his own and the other having Serena's he had their keys around his index finger, "Oh Gary you made it? Finally! I thought you guys flight was late or something" Ash said as he made it to the driveway and kept their bags in the back seat of their car, he then made his way back to everyone, "Right, You two haven't met her, Meet Serena Yvonne, My girlfriend," Ash said casually, Gary and Salvia's mouths hit the ground at that, To think Mr dense head would be living with such a beauty.

It took them a while but they made themselves comfortable and then Ash and Serena Left for school, Gary wanted to Checkup on Ash's Pokemon and so he did just that with Salvia's help, Of course, the Pokemon who knew Gary and Salvia also helped, Ash had taken Axew, Dragonite, Aagron, corvisquire & levanny with him and Serena had Milotic, Altaria and Sylveon with her, They reached school, the day was pretty calm and quiet, During recess, Ash was talking to Serena in the staff room having some coffee when the office assistant made his way into the staff room and called Ash and Serena to the principal's office, they slowly made their way to the room and knocked on the door,

"Good Morning Mr Matthew" Ash greeted, "Good morning to you two too, but let's get straight to the point, I want you to take up the responsibility of taking the kids to the School trip" He said, "Um Sir, I can't do that" Ash said with a sigh, Mr Matthews raised an eyebrow at this, How could he deny orders from the principal of the school he's working at, "What Do you mean by 'you can't do that', Mr Ketchum," He asked again but Serena also had to say something, "I can't come too" But, they could tell that Mr Matthews was getting irritated, "What we mean to say is, We can set everything up but we can't take them there one the day of the matches, I can after the first day but ash can't" Serena clarified, "Very well, I hope you plan everything out well, I'll ask Some other teacher to take them," Mr Matthews said with a sigh before signalling the two teachers to leave his room.

6 months later,

As strong of a woman Serena was, Ash's accident did affect her. A lot. He was reckless but he was always a safe driver, Faith had other ideas for the Ketchum, He was coming home from reporting this month's activities of Team Yell, The highway per usual had the evening traffic, people rushing to go home, He was sitting in the car listening to music, Cursing along at 70mph, Suddenly his phone rang, He looked down for a second, to connect his phone to the car's system, Nobody saw it coming, As how the police said, A drunken guy Driving on the wrong side of the road, T-boned Ash's car, the  last thing he heard was Serena screaming as he blacked out,

Being An Aura Guardian helped only so much in recovery, He woke up after some time with just a broken Left Arm, He was admitted at the General Hospital, but was almost immediately transferred to Rota, Serena only cared about A few things in the world And Ash topped that list, So when She heard the accident happen, she Immediately blamed it on herself for calling him, She Called Her mom and Delia, who in turn Called Ilene, who freaked out, And almost instant All three of them Were at Rota, with Ash.

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