Chapter 1

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***Author's Note***
Post trial. Andy decides to stop practicing law to teach it.
The car accident never happened.
His marriage is on the rocks but he genuinely wants to work on it.


"Are you nervous?"

Andy looked up from his coffee as he heard Laurie enter the kitchen. "Um, a bit. Yeah. First day of school jitters I guess."

Jacob laughed, "we've all been there."

Andy fake laughed, "ha ha. At least I'll be on the teaching side though."

Laurie smiled, "well you boys have a good day. I'll be home late." She kissed each of them on the cheek as Andy grabbed her hand.

He made her stop and look at him as he set his coffee down. "I require a proper kiss." He heard her sigh as he brought her chin up, kissing her softly. He watched her leave before turning back to Jacob, "want a ride to school?"

Jacob shook his head, "I'm good. I'll see you later dad."

Andy sighed, nodding as he stood alone in the kitchen. He put on his blazer as he thought about how his life turned out, wondering how he got here; with a teenage son and a distant wife that never seemed to be present, even when she was here.


Andy sat at his desk as he watched students trickle in, sitting randomly. A few of them watched him, most ignored him, looking at their phones or their books. He looked up as a girl with long dirty blonde hair walked in in a tight black pencil skirt. He felt his face flush as his eyes traveled up from her legs as she sat in the front row in front of him. He looked up to see her watching him as she crossed her legs, big blue eyes sparkling behind black rimmed glasses. He cleared his throat as she smirked at him, winking. He shook his head, looking at his desk as he tried to compose himself before he started to call out the students, learning their names and faces.

"Angela Pruitt?" He looked up to see the blonde smiling, putting up her hand.

"That's me Professor Barber."

Andy nodded, trying to avoid looking at her as he finished the rest of the class list before standing up from his desk. "My name is Andrew Barber. I've worked the last ten years as an ADA which makes me qualified to teach litigation. Can someone tell me what litigation refers to?" He called on the boy sitting next to Angela.

"Are you the one who's son was accused of murder?"

Angela rolled her eyes, seeing how uncomfortable Andy was. She leaned forward, hitting the guy on the arm, "that's not what he asked. Litigation is the entire process. Including discovery all the way through to the trial or settling of a case."

Andy watched her lean back in her chair, grinning at him, "thank you Ms. Pruitt. We will be going through the entire process in this class leading up to a mock trial trial at the end of the semester. I will be the judge, and your peers will be the jury. You will each be given a random case and told if you are working on the defense or the prosecution team for said case. It will be up to you to come up with your own discovery, and interviewing your own witnesses. I will be available for questions, but I can't guide you one way or the other. Any questions?" He saw a few people raise their hands, "any more questions about the class?" He sighed as everyone put their hands back down. "I won't be answering any personal questions."


Angela walked up to Andy's desk at the end of class, smiling because it was obvious she made him uncomfortable. She pulled her glasses off, "sorry about that guy Professor Barber. He's nosey."

Andy chuckled, nodding as he leaned back in his chair, "and you're not, Ms. Pruitt?"

She shrugged, leaning against his desk as she saw him looking at her legs, "not about your family, no. And please, call me Angela."

"Hmm." Andy nodded, "what is it you are nosey about?"

Angela smirked, eying him up and down before looking him back in the eyes, "so many things. Thank you Barber."

Andy chuckled, "thank you for what?"

She put her glasses back on, leaning her hand on the desk towards him as she lowered her voice, "for the thoughts I'm going to have later about you."

Andy smiled, leaning on the desk next to her, "I didn't do anything."

Angela chuckled, "that's just it Barber, you don't have to."

Andy watched her wink at him before she walked away, leaving him alone in the classroom. He shook his head. He was used to women looking at him, a few even flirted subtly. Angela was anything but subtle. He couldn't deny he enjoyed it, she was a beautiful girl and she just shown him more attention in the last few minutes than Laurie had shown him in years. He groaned, feeling his cock aching as he thought about her.


Andy laid in bed alone, reading as Laurie came into the bedroom. He watched her change into pajamas before crawling into bed next to him. "Hey. You said you were going to be late, but this is really late."

Laurie shrugged, facing away from him, "I was working. I don't know what to tell you."

Andy placed his book on the nightstand before rolling towards her, kissing her shoulder, "I stopped practicing so I could be home more so we could work things out. But you're gone even more now."

"Work what out? Everything is fine Andy. Just go to bed."

Andy scoffed, rolling back to his back, "right." He went to say something else when he heard his phone vibrate on the table next to him. He saw a message from an unknown number. He clicked it, knowing who it was right away.

Just wanted to thank you again for the thoughts
So many thoughts Professor Barber
They definitely helped me de-stress

Andy shook his head, grinning, slightly shocked at her forwardness. He felt his cock hard as another message appeared.

Did you have thoughts about me? 🤔

He groaned in his head, knowing he would have to tread carefully.

I'm married Ms. Pruitt

So what?
You're obviously not happy
And you obviously like my legs
I wonder what else you'd like

I'm going to bed Ms. Pruitt
Garner your thoughts better moving forward

Yes sir
Sweet dreams 😉

Andy set his phone on the nightstand, before staring at the ceiling. He closed his eyes, thinking about Angela and her attention as he felt his cock twitch. He groaned, rubbing his hard cock through his underwear, thinking about Angela.

Professor Series - Andy Barber💜Where stories live. Discover now