Chapter 12

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Andy scrambled to his feet as Angela groaned, sitting on the couch, watching Andy fix his pants. "What are you doing here Laurie? You don't live here anymore! You can't just come and go as you please anymore!"

Laurie scoffed as she crossed her arms, "I wanted to see if Jacob wanted to go to the movies. I tried calling him but he didn't answer. Where is my son while you're here fucking some whore?"

Andy put his arm up as Angela leaped up from the couch, "as if you have any right throwing that word around. Jacob is out with friends, so you can leave."

Angela scoffed, "I'm going."

Andy groaned as he grabbed her hand, "pease don't go Annie."

"I have to. I'm sorry Andy, I can't do this."

He tugged on her hand, pulling her to him, "no. You are welcomed here, she is not." He ignored Laurie scoffing as he looked at Angela. "Please don't go."

Angela yanked her hand away from him, "I'm not doing this. Good night Andy."

Andy sighed through clenched teeth as he glared at a smug Laurie. "You come here just to ruin everything more than you already have?"

Laurie laughed, "is that girl even old enough to drink Andy? I'm gone for a few weeks and you start to date a child?"

"Of course she is! And it's none of your business! You lost any right to know anything about Jacob or myself when you started cheating on me! Get out!" Andy opened the front door, not looking at Laurie as he waited for her to leave, "next time call me before you come over. You are no longer welcomed in this house." He heard her scoff as she left and he slammed the front door. "Fuck!"


Angela heard the incessant knocking on her door as she sat on her kitchen counter, eating ice cream in her pajamas. She sighed, hopping off the counter as she went to the door, opening it without looking to who it was. She went back into the kitchen, sitting on the counter as she went back to eating her ice cream, watching Andy approach her, "what?"

He sighed, "come on love. You know what. You didn't have to leave." He stood between her legs as she fed him a bite of ice cream. "Come back. Spend the night with me in my bed Annie."

Angela tensed up as she set the ice cream to the side on the counter as she looked at Andy. "No."

"No? Just like that? Why not?!" He rested his hands on the counter on either side of her, "Annie, please."

"I meant what I said, no. I can't do this Andy. It's fine when it's all games and hooking up. But you're trying to make it serious and I can't have that. I have enough of my own baggage without having to deal with yours as well. I'm sorry." She pushed him away as she heard him groan, hopping off the counter as she walked to the door of her apartment. "I heard you before Laurie got there."

Andy shook his head, looking at the floor, "what do you mean?"

She sighed as she crossed her arms, "the least you could do is not treat me as if I'm stupid Andy. You have feelings for me, and you can't."

"Why can't I?!" He rested his hand at her chin, making her look up at him as he lowered his voice, repeating himself, "why can't I? You're right, I was going to say that I think I'm falling for you. Would that be so bad Annie?"

She grabbed his hand from her chin, "yes! It would be bad! Please go Andy!" She opened the door as she looked at the ground, waiting for him to leave.

Andy slammed the door shut, "no! I'm not leaving until we talk about this!" He grabbed her waist, lifting her up to him as he carried her to the couch, sitting back with her in his lap, "Annie, I want to be with you."

Angela tried to fight against him, trying to stand up, but Andy held firmly to her waist, not letting her get up, "I can't Andy. I'm sorry."

He brought his hand to her cheek, "of course you can, we have been. I'm sorry about Laurie. She shouldn't have just barged in."

"I know. But it's just too much Andy! The wife, the teenage son. The age difference. You're my teacher. I never should have pursued you to begin with."

Andy groaned, "maybe not, but I'm glad you did. I want you Annie. And only you. We will figure it out. We can go slow. Please." He heard her whimper as he kissed her neck. "I know you want me too, Annie." He ran his lips slowly up her neck to her chin to her lips, kissing her softly as he brought his hand to the back of her neck, keeping her mouth on his as she moaned softly. He grabbed her waist with his other hand, pulling her down on him, moving her against him.

Angela whimpered, "Andy. I can't." She pushed his hands away from her before getting up, "I'm sorry Andy. You really need to go."

Andy stood up with her, watching her as her eyes welled with tears. He brought his hand to her cheek, "you'll change your mind. I know you feel the same way I do. I'll wait. You're mine and no one else's. And I am yours." He sighed, seeing she wasn't going to say anything as she looked at the ground. "Okay. I'll go, but I meant what I said. I'll wait."

Angela stood and waited until Andy was gone before she let the tears fall, going into her bedroom, slamming the door as she did.

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