Chapter 7

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Andy waited in the kitchen, drinking his coffee after Jacob left for school. He finally heard Laurie coming down the stairs as she noticed the manilla envelope on the counter.

"What is that?"

Andy shrugged, "open it."

"Okay. Where's Jacob?"

Andy placed his coffee cup in the sink, "he left for school already. And he's sleeping over at a friends house tonight."

She scoffed, "you decided that without asking me?"

He nodded, leaning against the counter next to where she was opening the envelope. "Yes."

She pulled out pictures of her with the man at the fundraiser, her face turning red, "what is this?"

Andy chuckled, "why don't you tell me Laurie? Who is that?"

"It isn't what you think."

"It's exactly what I think. You've been cheating on me for who knows how long. And now I have proof."

She scoffed, "as if you haven't."

Andy laughed, "I wish I had now. But not once. Inside the envelope you'll find divorce papers, infidelity listed as the reason. Now, I'm going to take Jacob. You can try, but he's 15 and he'll say he wants to be with me. And I'm taking the house. I'm not making Jacob pack his things and leave his house. That's what you're going to do. I won't be coming home tonight so you have plenty of time to pack your stuff. My suggestion is that you take your shit to your boyfriend's house. I have to get to work." He started to walk away, but turned back to her, "oh and get a lawyer."

"Andy, wait!"

He shook his head as he put on his jacket, "you've had plenty of chances to fix this. And I told you that you'd push me away. I'm done."


Andy watched Angela as he released the students at the end of class. "Ms. Pruitt. Wait."

Angela sighed, hanging back as everyone left the classroom. She had barely talked to Andy for almost two weeks, having given up. "What?"

He chuckled, motioning her to his desk, "come here." Once she approached, he grabbed her waist, pinning her against the wall as he heard a small yelp. "I want you."

"Well you've had your chances Barber."

He nodded, "I know. I'm cashing it in now." He didn't wait for a response as he crashed his lips into hers as he heard her moan, wrapping her arms around his neck.

Angela smiled, out of breath as Andy pulled away, "you've never made the first move."

"I know." He smirked, "you still want me in your bed?"

She moaned softly as she nodded, "more than anything."

He grinned, "good. I'll come over tonight. Make me dinner."

She laughed, "oh, are you in charge now?"

He hovered his mouth over hers, "for tonight. Unless you don't want me to come over." He laughed as she groaned as he pulled away, pulling his lips back to hers.

"No. I do want. You're going to sleep all night with me?"

He nodded, "I am. Yes. I'm not sure how much sleeping there will be though."

Angela moaned, "oh Mr. Barber, don't tease me."

He chuckled, "I only tease with the intention to follow through. Go. I'll see you later."

She nodded, "yes sir."

"Save that for later." He smiled at her giggle as she gathered her things before leaving the classroom.


Angela opened the door to her apartment to find Andy standing with flowers and a bottle of wine. "Andy! That's so sweet. Thank you!" She accepted the flowers and wine, setting them on the kitchen counter before turning back to Andy. She threw her arms around his neck, crashing her lips into his as she heard him moan.

Andy ran his hands down her back, under her dress to her thighs, lifting her to him as she wrapped her legs around him. He led her to the couch, sitting back as she straddled him. He moaned as she grinded against him before he pulled away, "I thought I said dinner first?"

She giggled, nodding, "yes. But I need you now. We can do it again. Please Andy. Fuck me."

He groaned, undoing his pants as Angela pulled his cock out as she pushed her underwear to the side, lowering herself onto him urgently. "Fuck. Angela." He gripped her hips, moving her on him roughly as she moaned loudly.

"Oh Andy." She felt him bring a hand to the nape of her neck, pulling her mouth to his as she quickly clenched around him, moaning into his mouth as she did.

Andy felt her clenching around him, sending him over the edge as she continued to move on him urgently until he spurted hard, grunting as he did. He groaned as Angela pulled away with a smirk. He heard her chuckle, standing up from his lap as she adjusted her underwear. Andy shook his head, standing up to fix his pants as he followed her into the kitchen. "What did you make me?"

Angela laughed, motioning for him to sit at the kitchen table. "Ratatouille and grilled chicken."

Andy shook his head as he looked at the food as she sat next to him, pouring them both wine.


He smiled, looking up at her, "nothing. How did you learn how to cook?"

She shrugged, "cooking shows. Books. Trial and error."

He shook his head as he began to eat, "well thank you. Been a long time since someone cooked for me. Even then, well..."

She chuckled, "she's no good?"

He shrugged, "I don't know. More like just didn't care much in general. It's obvious you care, and you're really great." He hesitated, looking at her, "I can guess, but can I ask how old you are?"

Angela laughed, "now you're worried about how old I am, old man?"

Andy laughed, "well yeah."

"I'm 23. I turn 24 in a few months. May." She looked at him, "and you?"

He sighed, "37 next month."

Angela shrugged, "what's the big deal? We're just having fun. Right? Where is your family tonight?"

Andy smiled, nodding, "yes, fun. And Jacob is at a friends house. I don't care where Laurie is. Hopefully she's packing her stuff. I filed a divorce and told her to move out this morning."

She rested her hand on his, "wait, you did?"

He nodded, "I did. So we can fool around without me feeling guilty. At least about the being married part. There's still the you're my student, part."

Angela laughed, "well there is that. Does it make you uncomfortable? I can stop pursuing you if you tell me to."

Andy shook his head, leaning towards her, "please don't stop. I want to be here with you."

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