Chapter 25

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She burst out after sometime when he kept speaking bad about the three. All including the man were shocked, except Roshni of course. Vaish and Reem were confused and shocked very much while Jaan couldn't understand anything. 

Man: They are not. 

Avu: I myself got them married, one of the signatures of the witnesses is mine only. We got them married even when Rosh di kept denying. 

Rosh: Even Fais right? 

Avu: He had no problem, it was his wish to marry you, we just helped him. 

Vaish: Who is we? Who else was there with Avu? 

Jaan: Will anyone say what is happening here? 

Avu: Bhabhi.... 

Man: I am not here to listen some love story, which also I don't know you were going to make a false one or say the true one. 

Avu: Even I am not here to say that. 

Saying that she punched him. She pointed her gun at him. Roshni and Jannat stared at her with wide eyes, Rosh knew but never saw her in this form. Avu had freed herself while talking. 

Avu: You two, leave Roshni di right now. He won't kill you. 

They immediately left her. 

Avu: Now open them and run. 

They did as she said and ran away. Avu nodded at Roshni who held Jaan's hand and they both ran away. 

Avu: The main leader must be with the boys, lets go. And you idiot, tell the way. 

She was holding his neck from behind, her gun still pointed towards him. She dragged him as he told where the boys are. They reached the boys and they had already freed themselves. Avu pushed the man in the leader's direction. The leader was shocked seeing his strongest man also giving in in front of Avu but didn't show it. 

L: Look who is here, Avneet Kaur Nandra, the leader. 

They heard a gun shot and looked in the direction to see Fais had shot a person who was about to shoot Jai. Another as Reem shot one who was aiming at Vaish. Her eyes were closed though. 

L: Well I have to appreciate you both, you trained your families also. 

Avu: You talk too much. 

She shot him in the hand. 

Avu: Now shut up before next bullet goes through I don't know, your head or heart, both are anyways empty, but I'll make sure it kills you. 

Not waiting for his answer she start fighting against his men. Soon the fight started between all. 

Jai: Di, I have to take Reem outside, I think she is scared of blood. 

He said seeing Reem's condition. Avu nodded and he took Reem outside, shooting everyone who aimed towards them on the way. After making sure she is calm and in a safe place he returned. 

Fais: No one died right? 

Abhi: No bhai, all are alive, just injured or unconscious. 

Fais: Hmm. Few innocents are also there among them, rest all can bleed to death. 

Abhi nodded. Soon almost all were lying on the floor. 

Vaish: Where is Avu? 

They all noticed she isn't there. 

Fais: Don't get distracted, keep fighting these people. Thinking about anyone other than yourself right now will lead to your death. 

All were tensed and surprised by his words but his tone clearly left no space to argue and they did as he said. Meanwhile with Jaan and Roshni, they reach the house soon and took relieved breaths. 

Jaan: What is all this? They'll be fine right? 

Rosh: You'll know soon. And yeah, everyone will be fine. All are trained to fight and shoot with their guns. 

Jaan nodded. 

Jaan: You seem off.  

Rosh: Nothing like that Jaan. 

She said, not looking at her. 

Jaan: You are my friend right? Pls tell me what was all that? What were Avu and that man saying?

Roshni sighed. 

Rosh: I know you are very much confused. But I can't tell you anything for the same reason as Avu. She was going to say she'll tell after returning but he interrupted. Fais is your husband, so it depends on him, what he says. None of us can do anything. Right now I just hope nothing happens to any of them. 

An hour passed by, both were very tensed but Roshni kept trying to calm Jaan down. They didn't have their mobiles also so they don't get tracked. 

Rosh: I'll come. 

She went to one of the two guards there. 

Rosh: Any news of them? 

G1: No ma'am. 

Rosh: Did anyone from the team go? 

G2: Ma'am gave strict orders that no one should go there. No one except us is aware of the case. And we can't do anything, we are tied by Ma'am's order. 

Rosh: Hmm. 

She went back. 

Jaan: I'll make something for us to eat. We shouldn't be hungry like this and it may distract us. 

Rosh: Even I'll help. 

They went to the kitchen. Everything was already set there. After having their lunch they noticed its 3 hours since they came here, but all are yet to return. Both had several questions in their mind. All different except one, when will all return and are all safe? After sometime finally the bell rang and the guards opened the door. Out of so many people they of course wouldn't know who their leader and ex-leader is. Or is it out of them only in the first place. 

Jaan: Are you all fine? 

Abhi: Yes bhabhi, don't worry. You both shouldn't be taking tension. 

Jaan: Fais, the man who Avu brought there, was everything he said true? 

Fais didn't say anything and was about to go. 

Jaan: Fais, pls don't ignore me. Everything is getting too much to handle. Was eve...

Fais: Will you stop repeating the same question? I don't want to talk to anyone right now Jannat. For once leave me alone. 


Why is Reem scared of orphanages?

What mistakes had Fais made?

Will Jaan lose Fais?

What caused the four's friendship to break?

What is the truth behind Roshni's child?


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