Fashionably late

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Sunday, great. I have always hated Sundays 'cos Monday’s after them. I probably sound really obvious right now but I am so tired after last night. After the girls left this morning, I had planned on going to visit Gina, who still hadn't returned today, but I was just too tired. I flopped down onto a beanbag and promptly fell asleep, to awake later and find it was 2:00pm. 

Shit! I still have that assignment for English! I picked up my laptop and took it up to my room. My laptop was a custom made Apple Mac book air. It was pink along and the keyboard had a shimmery sheen to it. I couldn't be bothered to go down to the proper computer room and use the wall computer, all though it was a hell of a lot bigger.

That done, I decided to have a therapeutic bath while there was no one home. I sunk down into the bubbles. What was wrong with Gina? She had never missed a day of work in the ten years so it couldn't possibly be just her arthritis. I decided to let it drop. There was no point in going grey prematurely just because Gina missed 2 days of work.

I turned in early, about eight. If Gina wasn't there tomorrow, I would have to go see her.

Holy mother of the fucking lord! I was so late! 

My alarm clock didn't go off! I was sure it was set for today. I should probably tell you that my alarm is one of those new ones where you can set dates you don't want it to go off on, it works pretty well unless of course, you make a mistake.

Well whoop-de-fucking-doo would you look at that. The one day it goes doesn't go off is the day Stace, Bella and my new trend is supposed to go off. Bloody hell!

I nabbed my laptop on the way through and grabbed my phone and keys. My work was all on my laptop and my books were in my locker so I didn't need them. Our school is a bit of a different public school, they have the option to do work on your computer and they even have a specialised homepage.

‘Harold? Harold! Where the fuck are you, you useless lump of shit!’

‘Sorry ma’am, bad morning?’ Harold appeared at my side, car keys in hand.

‘Obviously you brain-dead fuck-wit. What are you? Mentally impaired?! Now get going! I’m late!’

‘Of course, sorry ma’am.’

I was too stressed to think about what Gina would have said about how I just spoke to a member of our help. To be honest, I didn’t really care.

I did my hair and makeup in the car and quickly shut the curtains separating the drivers section of the limo from the passengers so I could get changed (I was still in my pyjamas).

We drove up to school and I stepped out in my new attire. We had modified the uniform so the white blouse was tied up and showed a good amount of midriff and cleavage, the skirt was taken up to about mid thigh and the school head band had a purple plaid bow added to it to match the skirt. To top off the outfit, I had slipped on a pair of Dolce and Gabbana leopard-sole patent pumps. I slipped out of the limo; I had figured out that I was going to make being late cool. I was going to be fashionably late, and Belly and Stace were going to help me make this the biggest fashion statement yet.

‘Thanks Harold, sorry for snapping.’ I smiled at him and tipped him two hundred, a little over my normal standards but hey, it paid to be nice sometimes.

Stepping through the gates, I made my way down the hall and to the classrooms. I entered where my chemistry class was held; boy was I going to be acing this class with my outfit! I strutted through; not bothering to look at all the heads that I knew would be turning and sat down in my seat. I knew almost immediately that something was wrong. I looked around and found myself sitting in a class of nerdy looking boys and girls, all gawking unattractively at me.

‘Whoa! What in the name of ROB the robot are you doing here?!’ Some acne challenged boy breathed in awe.

‘Um this is my normal chemistry class that I have every Monday freak!’ I sneered at him, not expecting what was to come,

‘You do know this is a pupil-free day right? We’re just here ‘cause the student body runs this class’ The girls tittered away and giggled, while the rest of the nerd boys guffawed.

I blushed bright red at my stupidity but attempted to save what little dignity I had left and drawled: ‘Well I would love to sit here and talk all day but my favourite TV commercial is on’ I paused and smirked as I watched their faces turn to annoyance

‘Look ditz’ one of the girls piped up, ‘Nobody said they wanted you here so why don’t you just leave. This class is for people who actually have brains.’

‘Whatever, you guys aren’t worth my presence anyways.’ I rolled my eyes and began to walk back to the door, ‘Oh, and no one hears a word of this, especially not about what I’m wearing, that’s classified until tomorrow’ I threw a few hundred dollar bills behind me and walked away to the sound of a frantic scrabble for the money.

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