double-choc fudge

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Angel's POV

I pasted on yet another smile as Stacey cracked another one of her stupid jokes. I didn't know how much longer I could take this! It had only been ten minutes but I was so not in the mood for her and her cheer-up attempt.

Finally we reached the ice cream parlour and I marched up to the counter, causing Stacey to up her speed, trying to keep up with me.

'One double-choc fudge in a waffle cone with sprinkles, and one...' I glanced over at Stacy questioningly. She looked surprised at my unusually fatty choice, but carried on

'Vanilla in a waffle cone please, but no sprinkles'

The guy serving us put our orders together. He stuck Stacey's up on the counter and continued with mine, adding a flake. Flirt. I tried not to roll my eyes and grabbed the ice creams off the counter

We walked over to a table to sit down and I unwrapped the napkin from the ice cream. As I did so, I noticed some writing. It was a number. Wow, how embarrassing! As if a guy would give out his number! I quickly folded up the paper and acted as though I hadn't seen it, chucking it away in a bin nearby.

Stace babbled on for a bit while we ate our ice creams, but eventually I couldn't concentrate. I reached my hand into my pocket like a ninja, and held down the fake call button. I managed to slip it out again just in time for it to ring

I sighed dramatically and rolled my eyes

'Sorry Stace I gotta take this'

I clicked open my phone and answered. I waited as the message I had recorded played out

'Hi Angel, look I'm really sorry but you need to come home' The voice of my dad sounded, this was a message I had him recite ages ago in case I needed to get out of anything

'No way! I just got here!'

'I'm serious Angel, I'll be there to pick you up in fifteen'

'Fine, fine. Whatever you don't need to pick me up. I'll walk'

'Ok then. Bye'

The beauty of that message was that if I happened to be in trouble, I could act as though I really was being picked up. 

I stopped myself short of grinning and turned to Stacey solemnly

'I'm sorry Stace I gotta go'

'Yeah it's ok, I heard. Tell me how things go with your old man'

'Sure thang babe' I winked at her playfully. The sugar was finally starting to kick in and I almost regretted making the call. Almost.

I waved and walked to the side of the road, hailing a taxi. It was an understood thing between Stacey and I that if one of us came in the others car and had to leave for some reason, we would just do this. We both had money, so there was no problem with it.

'Where to ma'am?'

I stepped into the taxi and gave him the address


I arrived home to my stupid "old man" as Stacey had so eloquently put it, to find him waiting on the sofa for me.

'Angel, I know you're mad at me, but we need to talk.'

I ignored him and kept walking

'Angel I know you heard me and this isn't a choice. Do you want to help with Gina's funeral or not?'

'Fine whatever. Email me what you come up with and I'll add in ideas.'

'Well it'd be easier to just talk now'

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