screw life

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Angel’s POV

My eyes snapped open as I was violently shaken awake and I screamed at the face above me

‘Holy shit Stace!!! Don’t do that!’ I was backed up to the bed head and Stacey grinned as she moved back

‘Oh man! That was classic! I’m so going to use that again!’

I glared at her and she sobered up

‘I’m so sorry to hear what happened Angel’ Stacey looked at me sadly and my eyes pricked with tears, but I blinked them back and put up a wall between me and my feelings. I would not allow Stacey to see me cry

‘How did you find out?’

‘You texted me’

I blinked at her. I hadn’t texted anyone since I found out! I hadn’t even gone near my phone!

‘Um, no I didn’t’

‘Yeah! About an hour ago!’

‘What?! I was sleep- ohhhhh’ I frowned as I remembered handing over my phone to Max. Godamnit that sneaky bastard!

‘Yeaahhhh! Remember now?’ Stacey put on her retarded voice and I rolled my eyes

‘Ok smarty, so what are you here for then?’

‘To cheer you up’ she chirped

I raised my eyebrows at her ‘Seriously? You are going to try and cheer me up this soon after – after the event?’ My voice caught and I cursed silently, attempting to reinforce the barrier keeping back my feelings

Stacey’s face fell slightly as she processed what I had said ‘Well I’m still taking you for ice-cream at least’

I rolled my eyes at her ‘You’re an idiot, but whatever’

Max’s POV

I sighed as I walked back in the door. I had to pick up Jade in an hour when she was discharged from the hospital. I trudged up to my room and paused. I looked down at the mess I was confronted with. Glass was spread across the floor and then window frame hung, mangled and broken. I scanned the room for whoever could have done this and spied a rock, I walked over to it and found it tied to a blue bandana. My stomach lurched; blue was the colour of the Crips. My mind raced, I thought to call the cops for a moment, before remembering that a blue bandana was hardly enough evidence to arrest someone over. And it was just a bandana, hardly a death threat in disguise and certainly not anything to worry about. I grabbed and dustpan from downstairs and swept up the shards, checking carefully that I didn’t miss any before grabbing the vacuum and doing a once over of the room. I grabbed a pair of jeans and an old Ed-Hardy T-shirt. Changing out of my old stuff, I thought about my next move. I wasn’t going to let Marcus win this easily, I would stay longer. It was just a matter of being careful. Setting my mind on this, I grabbed the car keys off the bench and walked out to the car.

I grinned at my car, my pride and joy. I got it a few years ago, but in my eyes, it was still new enough. Climbing in and starting it up, I tapped in the location of the hospital to the GPS and put the car into gear, driving to my destination.

Arriving 15 minutes later, I climbed out and walked through to reception

'I'm here to pick up a Miss Jade Evers'

'Oh of course sir, she's in ward 37'

I thanked the woman and walked down the hall to the lift, sighing as I glanced back and saw her looking after me lustfully. I wish people would stop doing that; it made it hard to go unnoticed which was exactly why this whole thing started. If I hadn't had my looks, Jade would never have gone after me and I never would have been friends with Marcus. Screw life.

I sighed and punched the button for the lift a few times, becoming increasingly frustrated to how long it was taking. WHY THE FUCK ARE THESE MACHINES SO SLOW!!!!! 

Finally, after around ten minutes of waiting, the doors open and I stepped inside, annoyed. I pressed the button for level three. The lift began to move upwards, but shuddered to a stop within moments. When the doors didn't open I growled in frustration


I pushed the help button with unnecessary force, waiting for someone to pick up.

‘Good morning how may I help you?’

‘Yeah, um the lift’s stopped’ I regulated my voice as much as possible, trying to keep calm

‘Ok sir. Well just hang tight while we come to get you’

This was just what I needed.

 Two hours later, I finally climbed out of the lift. I thanked the men who had helped and was directed down the stairs. I wondered briefly what I was supposed to do about Jade, especially since I was meant to get her over two hours ago, but as I walked into the waiting room, I found Jade sitting patiently, talking to an older woman with kids.

I walked over to her and the lady and interjected

'Hi, sorry but we have to go. I'm in kind of a rush'

Jade stared at me, shocked at my lack of manners but the other woman looked at me understandingly

'Oh that's no problem, I imagine you need to get that little one home' She motioned to Caleb, smiling gently

'Ok well it was nice talking to you' Jade fare-welled the woman and heaved herself up from her chair; 'I hope your daughters alright' 

We walked out and Jade grumbled at me. 'You didn't seem to be in that much of a hurry when you made me wait for two hours'

I stared at her incredulously 'you think I was purposely late?!'

'Well I know you aren't two thrilled to have me at your house'

I know I probably should have let it slide, but the tone she said it in sparked up the resentment at how much she takes advantage of things

'You know what Jade?! I was here on time this morning! I got here BEFORE you were due to be discharged but you know what happened?! I got stuck in the lift!!! I waited there for TWO HOURS! Before someone finally bothered to come get me out and you're complaining because you had to sit in a CHAIR and TALK to someone for a bit!'

I stormed ahead of her and she struggled to keep up. I didn't care anymore; I was tired of her and her little-girly hissy fits. 

'Wait, Max' she panted behind me, bouncing Caleb up and down with each foot fall 'Max please, I'm sorry!'

I turned around rigidly, tired of her stupid games

Jade looked at me pleadingly; 'Max I'm so, so sorry. I didn't know and I didn't have a great night’s sleep - you know how hospitals are! Please forgive me'

I sighed in annoyance but knew I should really forgive her; it wasn't her fault after all. I shouldn't have been so unkind about her staying

'I'm sorry too I shouldn't have been so rude'

Jade smiled at me apologetically and came to walk beside me, throwing her arm around my neck

'Don't worry about it. We all have our issues'


I'm sorry, it's short and probably has spelling mistakes. Point them out if you notice any

I hope you guys like my book, comment if you do and if you don't you should comment anyway and tell me why. 

You guys are the reason I write and I lift my standards for you, voting and commenting makes me feel better about writing so make sure to do so!

Love you all

ruby xoxo:)

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