A different person

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I'm sorry, I know I suck. I am excited but at the same time, I don't know how to make it happen the way I want so I am taking a long time to upload. Sorry!

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ruby xoxo:)


Angel’s POV

I woke up continuously throughout the night, unable to sleep as much as I would have liked to. Every time I woke up, I remembered what had happened and ended up crying again until I fell back asleep. I couldn’t understand how this had happened! Gina was the last person you would expect to have cancer! She never went out in the sun without protection, especially with her fair British skin.

Finally I woke up for the last time, at around six-thirty am, when I decided there wasn’t much point attempting to go back to sleep again. I lay in bed, looking up at the ceiling, not wanting to get up and face a new day without Gina there. I didn’t ever want to do that, it wasn’t right that others kept on living when one of the nicest and compassionate people I had ever known was gone.

I lay there in torture for around three hours before I decided to try something different. Gina once said to me, that reading soothed the mind. It could take you into a different world, allow you to live someone else’s life, even if only for a while. Max had said something along these lines too when he was over for one of the tutor sessions. Maybe I could get away from my world for a little while. Become a different person for a moment.

I crossed the room to the bookshelf which had previously remained untouched, I never read for pleasure. I picked up one of the books Gina had given me a year ago in a desperate attempt to get me to try it out. Harry Potter I wrinkled my nose slightly but figured I would give it a go.

I sat down on the chaise at the end of my bed and opened the book, revealing the crisp new pages inside.

Max’s POV

I staggered to my feet after lying on the unforgiving gravel for around ten minutes. Holy shit that dude punched hard! I stumbled to my car and dropped myself in the front seat, locking the doors and putting up all the windows. Rationally, it probably wasn’t going to do anything in protecting me. If Marcus was serious, I would need to get bullet-proof windows before I would be anywhere close to safe! I was still struggling for breath and I began to hyperventilate, further worsening my situation as I thought of what Marcus was capable of these days. A lot had changed this past year, but I had hoped it would get better, not to be dragged back into it.

My phone rang all of the sudden, shocking me out of my waking nightmare, nearly giving me a heart attack. I sighed in relief when I saw the numbers.

‘Blake?’ I spoke into the phone, waiting for my brother to answer

‘Max. I needed to warn you. You’re in deep shit bro, you need to get out of town.’

‘Wait, what? What danger am I in now?!’

‘Fuck. I have to go. You need to leave. There are people after you. He has followers’

‘Wait! Blake! What-‘

The phone cut off and it suddenly felt really ominous. Why is it always me! I kicked the car into gear and drove home.


I picked up my phone, scrolling through the numbers as though somehow I could find a number that would help me. I paused on Angel’s number, thinking I should call her. I punched in the numbers and sat down on the bed, listening to the drone as the phone rang through.

Angel’s POV

My phone rang from across the room, startling me out of my little world of magic and wizards. I looked over, seeing the numbers on the screen but I didn’t answer. As much as I loved Max, I couldn’t face talking to him.

I listened as a message was recorded:

‘Hey Angel, it’s Max. I just called say check how you’re going and to ask if you wanted to catch up soon. Ok well call me soon. Love you’ He clicked off and I sighed as the dull beep that signalled he had hung up sounded.  It was sweet that he called, but I couldn’t bring myself to do anything about it. I turned back to my book, laughing as harry lost his chocolate frog out the window of the Hogwarts Express.

Max’s POV

I clicked off my phone, confused. I have never known Angel to miss a call in her life! Even when the phone was downstairs and under a bunch of pillows, she still managed to hear it and answer in the nick of time. I looked over at her window, but the blinds were closed. Something didn’t feel right. I contemplated going over to her house, but decided against it, not wanting to be the creepy overprotective boyfriend.

“There are people after you. He has followers” The words echoed in my mind with foreboding. Marcus had followers. But what could they all want with me? Why did he choose me! He won in the end! He got Jade! There was no point in coming after me! I sat back; I didn’t know where to go from here. I couldn’t just up and leave! I had a life here. I had just gotten it back on track. I had Angel. She wouldn’t leave and I wouldn’t make her.

On the other hand, I couldn’t stay and be safe either. Marcus would continue to play his sadistic game, that was certain. 

It looked as though I was going to have to try and get away. There wasn't much point in staying if I wasn't going to live long enough to enjoy it and as for Angel, I was going to have to drag myself away from her. The idea hurt and my mind tried to reject it, but ultimately, I knew I would have to accept my fate. But not yet. I would let Marcus make his next move before I did anything rash.

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