pen in a mug

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Tw-- personality switch, trauma response, PTSD,asthma attack,panic attack,cat Calling

It was the next morning -i slept on the TARDIS,in a spare room the Doctor found me.The TARDIS is nice but she won't talk to me anymore since i...
I apologized,but she wasn't listening.
My shoulder had been placed in one of those cloth splints,and my hands bandaged up to help heal the bruises forming on them from my outburst.
I didn't sleep.i wanted to of course,but i had to stay awake incase he came back.So much to do.Got to keep working.Coding and coding and coding-
"Ezzy?"The door burst open,a certain scrawny brunette blundering in loudly with a crash.The light from the hallway outside stabbed at the corner of my eye as it lit up the small room.I continued typing,rolling my eyes that were reflected with the screens rectangularity,my face in a pool of blue.
"Ezzy."He walked up to me,poking me in the side.
"Yeah,what is it?"I continued sight followed the lines of binary as I typed word after word.
"Woooah...what you doing there?"
"Coding."I said bluntly, annoyance in my voice.
"Did you sleep okay?"
"Is sleep good or bad if you don't get any?"My words were a mumble,my main focus on the screen.A piece of my snowy hair slipped out from behind my ear and I blew it away with a loud huff, catching the doctor raise a brow at me from the corner of my eye.
" you need anything or are you just gonna stay?"
I stood up,still typing with one hand,the palm of the other supporting the bottom of the almost overheated laptop,and walked out the room.
"Doctor to ez?"
"It's Ezzy."
"Ezzy put the laptop down."He snatched it out of my hand,folding it closed and shoving it under his armpit with irritation.
"Hey!"I looked up to him,his eyes heavy with the carried over sadness of yesterday.
"Are we going to talk about it?"
My gaze wondered to my bare feet in response,my shoulders slowly relaxing from their rigid hold.oh my stars my back hurt.I wanted to forget about the last 24 hours,not recall it.I wanted to forget everything,everyone.
"Talk about what?"
"Do we need to?"
"are you going home?"his words were almost playful,pissing me off even more than my sleep deprived self was.
"Do you want to stay here?"
"travel?me?TARDIS?Time and space?....yes?no?"
"Why would you want me?"
I picked at my fingers,feeling the sting as skin uncovered raw and red.
"I did some more scans on...some blood that was on my hand that..was yours-Anyways.The DNA was human but it's got biodampening properties.I reckon something's going on with you but you don't even know about it."
"Meaning?"I asked,going to grab my laptop from him.He swatted my hand away.
Meaning,I can't let you go back to earth."
I was completely still for a moment,the hallway so quiet you could here a pin drop.there was nothing for me at home anyways and even if I did go back the change would be too much for me and...
Don't think about there.Don't think about him.Don't.
"Okay."I shrugged, pulling my laptop from his arms and walking past him.
I opened up the top,going to continue my work but the screen stayed a solid obsidian black.
"What did you do?"I looked back to him for a second as he caught up with me.
"No,no,no,no,no,no.Please.."My stomache dropped.It was gone.All gone.
"I spent all night doing this!Are you...."
I threw the laptop on the floor,shoving my hands into my hair and grabbing at my roots for a moment"... fucking kidding me."
The shattering of parts across the floor made me jump,the doctor peering confusedly from the broken device to me repeatedly.
"What?"I rolled my eyes at him, continuing to drag myself to the control room.
"Um..what were you coding."
"Nothing!It doesn't matter anymore because it's gone!"crossing my arms,we reached the main room and I leaned my shoulder on a coral structure,wincing and pushing myself away from it at the pain.forgot about that.
There was an akward silence swamping around.Maybe I should go home.I didn't deserve to be with the doctor right now.Apart from the clear outbursts,things were going to mentally get so much harder.He would see the struggle when I became an intense risk to myself and others.Don't let him see.
"Your not very good at keeping your emotions to yourself."he raised his brow at me again.
"What do you mean?"
"Telepath,empath,it goes both ways.i mean you did just break your laptop but it's hormone city around you.
You don't just feel people's emotions,you share yours with others too."
"Oh-..I'm sorry.Maybe I should just go home."
"No home to go to."
"Oh yeah....right.
Can you tell me more then?"
"About what?"He sent me a smirk.
"I couldn't find anything from the DNA test.i don't actually know anything for certain but I can answer as many questions as you want.If I know the answers."
I gave him a small nod.

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