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Tw-- PTSD attack,loss of control, asthma attack, shutdown, attempted suicide,sedated

The Santa's stopped walking,adjusting their trumpets like a gun,and pointing them right at me.But I still didn't move,more of a buzzing attracting them to me this time.
The doctor ran up to me,pushing me out of their way and snapping me out of my trance.I toppled to the floor.the only sound I could hear was the left over sonicing of the doctor's screwdriver against the ATM.Money started to spill all over me and as the doctor heaved me up,his arms hooked under mine,dragging me along,I quickly grabbed a few £50 notes,shoving them in my pocket,my head still infecting with clouded hypnotism.He pulled me into the TARDIS,sitting me on the banana yellow pilot seat,too far away to control the console from,and began to take us off in rapid speed.sparks flew off in every direction,the doctor ducking to avoid the explosions.I clung onto the bottom of the seat with all my strength.
"Behave!"he told off the TARDIS,hitting a bell with a wooden mallet.This was a shakier journey and deffinately more dangerous one than I could have anticipated.next he pulled out a coil of string from underneath the panel,wrapping it around all sorts of leavers and holding it in his teeth.He followed the string down to the TARDIS doors,pulling them open to reveal Donna's taxi driving on the motorway.His face blew into a wince,his teeth clenched at the speed they were going at.The TARDIS was lined up along side the taxi.
"Open the door!"he screamed to her,throwing the second TARDIS door open and holding it that way with his foot so he was spread out against the doorframe.
"Do what?"Donna spoke,tears in her eyes.
"OPEN THE DOOOR!"He shreiked,causing me to cover my ears at his volume.
Donna banged on the taxi window."I can't!it's locked!"
Pulling the sonic screwdriver from his suit,he buzzed the window so it made an unlocking sound.
"Santa's a robot."she told us,fed up.
"DONNA.OPEN THE DOOR."he told her again.
"What for?"
"You've got to jump!"
"Am I blinking flip jumping?I'm supposed to be getting married!"she shouted at him.The robot driver increased speed,zooming past the tardis and swerving around cars to create distance.
"the one next the the chord.i ran over to the console,putting my hand on something random.
we both pulled down levers at the same time,sparks and smoke flying up into my face from the whole machine, sending me tumbling down to the ground,my grip on the console slipping.we scraped the back of a car with the blue box,a horirble crunch sound echoing in my head as we bouced off the top of it.
I shouted out in pain,rolling around on the green grate floor, completely out of control due to turbulence.We landed opposite Donna's taxi again,hitting the road with a loud crash,making the doctor almost fall out the doors.
"Listen to me you've got to jump!"
"I'm not jumping on a motorway!"she shook her head at the scrawny man.
"Whatever that thing is,it needs you.And whatever it needs you for,it's not good! NOW COME ON!"
"I'm in my wedding dress!!!"she irked.
"Yes!you look lovely! COME ON!"He sassed anxiously back to her.
Donna's breathing was erratic,audible to me even over the loud pips and fizzes of function in the TARDIS blowing up.She threw the door open, yelping at the air pressure that sucked it all the way open,almost pulling it off its hinges.How Donna was coping with this,I had no idea.I was thrown into one of the coral structures,my back cracking with a loud thump that caused the doctor to stare back at me.I rolled away,my head hitting the bottom of the control system,almost knocking me out.
"Are you okay?"
"WHAT DO YOU THINK?"I yelled at him at the top of my lungs.My back wasn't broken and it didn't even feel like it would bruise.I was glad. I had enough injuries with my shoulder and hands.
Donna stared down at the road below her."I can't do it!"
"Trust me."the doctor told her,a hand reached out and ready to catch the bride.Trust him,ha.Why should I ever,if he never trusts me.I was more worried about Donna than myself at this moment,listening to her cries for help as I pulled my arms around my head for some protection.
"Is that what you said to them?
Ezzy,and your friend,the one you lost.because the way ezzy backs away from you.did they trust you?"
"Yes she did.ezzy is a mystery to me,but my friend?she did.And she is not dead,She is so alive.Now jump!"they talked normal conversation level in their voice,making it akward but not impossible for me to hear,as if Donna was not about to jump out of a taxi speeding along the motor way and into a bigger on the inside alien space ship in the form of a 1960s police box.
Donna took a leap of faith, launching herself out of the taxi doors and into the doctors arms,screaming as she did.The two toppled over onto the floor,Donna on top of the doctor,panting loudly.The blue door shut behind them, whisking us off into the sky and away from the cars.

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