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Tw— asthma attack,flashback,ptsd trigger,kidnapping 

"Ha! THE WEDDING!"he shouted out,me and Donna jumped at the volume,my free hand went around the ear closest to the manic man.
"Yes,your getting married!that's it!"he finally let go of me,just to whisk me up in a hug and spin me around.he put me down,my dizzy head making me continue to spin on the spot until I fell on my ass with a yelp and started laughing.
"Best day of your life.oh your body's a battleground.its a chemical war inside!adrenaline, acetylcholine,wham go the endorphins.oh your cooking!"he punched the air,making Donna jump again.i wheezed at her reaction,my small breaths sounding even more painful in my state on the floor.
"Yeah, you're like a pressure cooker!a microwave!all churning away,the particles reach boiling point and SHAZAM."


"PAHAHA"my wheezes were worsening by the second,the doctor almost tumbling over my pile of limbs on the floor at the woman's force.again.
"What did I do this time?!"
"Are you enjoying this?"the woman was not happy.
He calmed himself,like a disappointed 5 year old.
She shook her head at him,breathing in deeply."give her her inhaler."
"I haven't got it."The doctor ran over to me,sitting me upright and searching through my pockets for the blue saviour.He pulled out a pocket knife,hesitated at the sight of it and running his finger down the snake engraving,confused as to why I would need it,then shrug and put it back in my joggers.
"She's not got it."
I fell into a coughing fit,taking this seriously and not laughing now.
"Seriously,Ezzy?"he groaned,standing away from me in panic.
"Doctor,you said your lot got rid of Huon particles.why?"
A worse rasp came from me.
"Donna,not the time."
"Just tell me."
My eyes rolled the back of my head with dizziness still from the spinning and now oxygen depletion.i hit my head on the concrete lab floor with a smack,the doctor running over to me.
"Really Donna,stop.
Ezzy look at me,breath with me okay."he breathed in deeply and l tried to follow but coughed heavily again,blood dripping from my mouth, left over from the roof.
"BECAUSE THEY WERE DEADLY!"he stood up and shouted.
"Oh my god."
"I'll sort it out Donna,I'll sort ezzy out and I'll sort you out,I am not about to loose anyone else."he told her,looking into her eyes comfortingly.
A speaker from somewhere in the room roared a hiss."oh she is long since lost.and as for the girl with the white hair.well we all know the tales."
One of the lab walls pulled up to reveal a -to me- very blurry and doubled, wide tunnel.
"I have waited so long,hibernating at the edge of the universe until the white haired girl had been lost,as foretold,and I was called out to find her."
10 robots in black cult coats,4 on each side of the hidden room,aimed guns at us.lance had run off on cowardice.
"Someone's been digging."the doctor stepped towards the tunnel,peering down.then a ding in his pocket went off."oh!just in time."He pulled my inhaler from it and ran over to me, lifting me back into a sitting position and giving me a breath.My red face instantly paled again.He left me the inhaler so I could have some more breaths,moving back over to the well after my wheezes had significantly calmed.
"Very torchwood.built by laser.
How far down does it go?And while your at it,what do you mean 'tales of the white haired girl'?."
"Down and down,all the way to the centre of the earth."
"Really?seriously,what for?"
I stood up and together me and Donna walked forwards to the doctor.
"Dinosaurs."she told him.
He gave her a blank look back.
"Dinosaurs!"I joked sarcastically with Donna,punching the doctors arm.of course I had no real idea what was going through that very human brain of hers.
"What are you on about dinosaurs?"he asked me,his eyebrows knitted together.
"That film, under the earth with dinosaurs.im tryna help!"she pipped up at the end.
"That's not helping."he dismissed her.
"Such a sweet couple."the voice on the speaker told them.
"Only a madman speaks to thin air,and trust me,you don't want to make me mad.where are you?"
I remembered doomsday.no,you didn't.
"High,in the sky.floating so high on Christmas night."The voice rasped.
"I didn't come all this way to talk the intercom,what did you mean 'tales of the white haired girl."he looked to me,not letting his anticipation or worry hit me.
"Come on! Let's have a look at you!"
"Who are you with such command?"
"I'm the doctor."
"Prepare your best medicines, doctor-man.for you will be sick at heart."
A giant,red, spider woman with horns and multiple eyes appeared Infront of me.
Me and the doctor spoke in sync.he looked to me confused again,his eyes still wide at the creature.
It hissed at him.
"But that's impossible,your one of the Racnoss."
"Empress,of the Racnoss."
"If your the empress,where is the rest of the Racnoss?or...are you the only one?"
"Such a sharp mind."it told him.
"That's it,the last of your kind."
The way the doctor said that with such a delacate yet painful mock told me it was easy for him to recognise one of the same.
"You are a child to me.she is my match.i have come for her."it shook its head, hissing.
"The Racnoss come from the dark times,billions of years ago."they were carnivorous, omnivores,they devoured whole planets."he told us.
"So what do you want with two human?"he yelled at the Empress.
"Racnoss are born starving.is that our fault?"
Donnas eyes widened."they eat people?!"
"HC Clements,did he wear those,those black and white shoes?"
"He did!we used to laugh,we used to call him the fat cat in spats."
the doctor pointed to the ceiling,the very shoes there.
"Shit." "Oh my god!"
Me and Donna spoke at the same time,grabbing the each others arms for support.
"My Christmas dinner."the alien spat.
That was sick.
"You shouldn't even exist."the doctor told it."way back in history the fledging empires went to war against the Racnoss.they were wiped out."
"Except for me.i was kept safe."
"But that's what I've got inside me,that Huon energy thing.Oi!look at me lady,I'm talking!where do I chime in."
"Who kept you safe."the doctor interupted Donna.
"The division."
"What did you say?"I asked it again.No fucking way.oh my god.
The sick feeling returned to my stomache all over again.
"What,what is it.whats division.what do you know ezzy?"he asked me.i let go of Donna,stumbling backwards on my feet in shock.
The name.that was all I heard,and such a strong wave of fear from the second me in my mind engulfed any sort of control over myself.
I gently sat down on the floor in the fetal position,my mind crawling back into a memory.
"How come I get stacked up with these Huon particles?"Donna demanded an answer.her voice was fading away to me,my mind melting into the flashback.

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