Chapter 1

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1- To Stay or no to Stay

"Hello is anyone here?" Louis asked as he walked inside the hotel.

The rush of cold air caused him to shiver and he wrapped his arms around himself. A faint light in the hallway was lit in a distance, the sound of someone playing the piano echoing through the halls.

Louis felt his insides turn when he walked inside the hotel but he couldn't help himself.
The rain outside was hard and strong. He had already gotten wet since the storm broke out and this place was quiet warm considering how cold and lifeless it seemed.

Louis decided to look for the manager or owner of the hotel because it was getting late and his body was about to give up on him.

As he walked through the corridor he approached a huge room which had couches on either side of it. In the middle of the room was a boy sitting on a stool as he played a piano. There was a candle placed on the top of the piano and in the ghostly flame Louis could see the face of the pale boy.

"Excuse me?" Louis spoke, his voice so low he thought the boy didn't even hear him.
He was about to call out again but suddenly the boy pressed the keys on the piano so hard a loud piercing sound waved through the room.

Much to Louis's horror the boy turned around, and Louis getting startled tripped.

Even from that far away Louis could see the green color of the boy's eyes. "Umm.... Can- can I stay here for the night?" Louis asked, his voice cracking in the end.

He didn't know if the hotel was open or not and at this point he didn't really care because here was no way he could go back outside where the men might still be waiting for him.
The boy looked at Louis for a moment before he stood up.

Louis felt his heart beating fast, as the boy came closer.

"On second though, I'll just leave never mind" Louis hesitantly stepped back, and turned around.
"Stop" the boy's voice came out softer than a whisper.

It was a sound that made Louis halt in his place. He turned around looking back at the boy who was much closer now, not even a feet away. "You want to stay here?" He asked him, tilting his face as if he was confused.

Louis looked at him, getting tensed at how the boy was observing him. Nevertheless he slowly nodded his head since he realized that his body wouldn't able to make it to the next town, and would collapse due to exhaustion.
He played with the straps on his backpack, nervously while the boy stared at him.

"Sure, you can stay" The curly haired nodded, pulling the curls away from his face. He looked at Louis , giving him a smile and started to walk towards the door.

Louis after a moment of hesitation followed the boy out and into the familiar corridor. The boy reached out and clicked the switch and the place lit up.
Louis looked at the walls as he walked. They were painted maroon and had numerous paintings hung on them. There were family portraits, single pictures and pictures of two kids.

Louis looked at them all before he heard Harry spoke "So what's your name?"

Increasing his pace he met up with the boy before nervously answering "I'm Louis"

The boy smiled and Louis wondered if he would tell him his name but he didn't.

"So Louis, you new here?" The boy asked glancing sideways at him before he stopped in front of a door.

Louis suddenly felt himself getting anxious for some reason "Uh, yeah I'm new. I was just passing by and I needed a place to stay, but the next town is like pretty far" Louis found himself mumbling half of his words but Harry didn't seem to mind.
In fact he found this boy amusing.

He opened the door and turned on the lights, revealing an old Victorian style bedroom. There was a window at the far East side of the room, from which Louis could see the town's bright lights.

"So uh, do I have to pay right now or something?" Louis asked as he stepped into the room. His hand momentarily brushed against the boy's side and he felt a frightening chill run down his spine.

"No you can stay here, worry about payment later" He turned his head, his eyes glistening in the light.
He was grinning from ear to ear for some reason which Louis found quiet odd and creepy at the same time.

"Goodnight Louis" he smiled looking at him.
Louis met his eyes once again before nodding his head "Yeah, uh goodnight" he mumbled.

The curly haired boy turned on his heels walking down the hallway before he heard Louis's voice "What's your name?"

He turned around, the light casting a shadow on his pale face "Harry" he grinned before he disappeared out of sight, the light in the hallway blinking before it completely blacked out.

Hi everyone! I'm really excited about this story and I've been jumping around like an idiot to post it. It's going to be a slight horror fiction and once again I'm really excited.

Thoughts on the story and Harry?

What do you think about this?

And do you think Louis should've gone inside the hotel in the first place?

Please comment your opinion.

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