Chapter 6

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6- Hello Again
When Louis woke up the next day his body ached all over. His mind was swirling and now he was sure there was someone in the house, and it was either that Harry didn't know that or he he wasn't telling Louis.

When Louis came out of the bathroom, he was surprised to find Harry sitting on the bed with a tray in his hand. What was surprising even more was that Harry had a glass on orange juice and a bowl of freshly cut fruits.
"I thought I'd make you breakfast, since you finished the stuff you got from the mart." He spoke with a smile.

"Thank you, but you didn't have to do that. I was going to go to town anyway today" Louis said, walking towards the bed.

Harry shrugged "So did you sleep well?" He asked Louis, standing up from the bed as on as the boy got closer.
"Yeah..." Louis hesitated "I slept fine"
"Okay, so what are you planning to do today?" Harry asked, walking to the shelf.

"I don't know, I have to go to town and then I have to leave this place at some point" Louis said, taking a sip from the glass. "Your parents are supposed to come today right?"

"Yeah, they should be coming today" Harry said, not paying much thought.

Suddenly his hand collided with the glass vase kept on the shelf and it fell to the ground with a crash.
Startled Louis immediately got up "Are you okay?" But Harry didn't answer, his hands formed into fists as brought them above clutching his hair.
"No" he shook his head, whispering to himself "No!" His voice rang through the whole room, startling Louis as he jolted back.

"Harry what's wrong?" Louis asked, but Harry was lost in his world, muttering as he clutched his head to stop the pain. "Go away!" he shouted.
Louis not knowing what else to do ran towards him but Harry brought his hand stopping him "Go away Louis"
"Leave!" He shouted, and Louis stumbled back "Harry I can help you tell me what's wrong? Should I cal the doctor?" Louis was more worried than ever. His eyes pleaded Harry to let him help, but Harry wasn't in his senses.

"Get out of the f*cking hotel Louis. You can't do anything!" He roared and it was the first time Louis had heard Harry swear and he knew he wouldn't be able to do anything right now, so he listened. Not caring about his belongings Louis rushed out of the room and out in the hallway.

Louis ran outside the hotel, the door slamming behind him just before he reached the last step causing him to fall down on his knees. He looked back at the hotel his breathing hard and heavy.
"I'll come back for you" he whispered before he got up and towards he only place he knew might have something to help him.

Halfway through his way Louis felt he air getting colder and moist. He looked up to see the clouds forming together showing signs that it might rain anytime soon. The sky had changed its colour and it looked like late evening rather than morning.
Cursing at his rotten luck Louis decided to take shelter underneath the trees. Rain started to pour down heavily on the ground as Louis got under a very old oak tree, it's long branches and dense leaves providing a good place to take hiding. "Why in the bloody hell is my life so pathetic" he asked himself, wrapping his arms around himself for warmth.
His mind wandered off towards Harry, which caused him to worry more since he had no idea what was wrong with the boy.

The sound of the rain became an odd rhythm for Louis and he found himself falling asleep.

A loud crash woke Louis from his sleep and as he opened his eyes, his heart started to beat faster.
He was not under the oak tree, his body jolted up and he looked around the place. He was in a small house or cottage.
It was warm and the smell of cinnamon buns invaded his senses.
"Hey, you're awake" A voice spoke from behind him and his head snapped back to see a brunette boy smiling down at him. Louis's hands formed into fists ready to attack the boy but instead the boy gave Louis a smile introducing himself "Now don't get scared, I'm Liam"

Louis frowned looking at him "How did I get here. Where am I?" He asked sitting up.
"No worries, you're at Grans" Liam said but when he saw the confusion on Louis's face he further elaborated "My grandma's cottage, Hampton Village"

Louis remembered the place immediately, since he passed this village when he was running away from those people.

"So what's your name?" Liam brought him back from his thoughts.
"I'm Louis" He answered, and got up. "You should just lie down until Gran comes back" Liam advised.
Louis sighed but listened "Can I have water?" He asked.

Liam nodded his head standing up while Louis looked around the place again. It looked peaceful and warm. Like a good home.
Liam came back from the kitchen handing Louis the glass before sitting down next to him. Louis thanked him before gulping down the whole glass in one go.

The door of the cottage opened and a familiar old lady stepped in. She kept her wet umbrella in the corner before her eyes landed on Louis
"Hello Louis, nice to see you again" she greeted him and Louis stood up. "Mrs. Franks, I didn't know this was your cottage"

Mrs. Franks gave Louis a smile before she made her way towards him "How are you feeling?" she asked, touching his forehead to check for fever.
"I'm fine" Louis replied with a small smile. She turned to Liam motioning him to get her stick from her room.
"All good now hun, you sat next to the jasmine field. They cause one to fall asleep. I was coming home with Liam when we saw you underneath the tree. Next time be more careful darling" Mrs. Franks told him. "On the other hand, I thought you were long off to another town, what made you come back?" She asked him, her tone concerned.

Mrs. Franks was the only person who knew why Louis was being chased outside his own town.

"I was staying at a hotel, a friend of mine was letting me stay there and I was safe there too. But something happened to my friend, I had to go and find help" Louis told her.

He knew he could trust Mrs.Franks with his life because the poor lady had helped him before.

Liam appeared in the room with Mrs. Franks walking stick "Hotel? There aren't any hotels here" he said "unless you count Hotel Styles"

"Yeah that's where I staying" Louis nodded towards him and watched the mix of horror and shock cross on both Mrs. Franks and Liam's face.
"You're staying at a Hotel Styles?" Liam spoke bewildered.

"Yeah?" Louis asked confused. "Is there a problem there?"
"Louis, Hotel Styles is haunted, there's a ghost roaming around there" and at that moment Louis felt his stomach flip.

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