Chapter 7

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7- Back for you
Louis's eyes widened before he stepped forward to run towards the door, only to be stopped by Liam.

"Let me go!" Louis screamed, trying to break free form Liam's grip.
"Louis, what's wrong with you? You can't got there" Liam held him tighter causing Louis to stop moving. "You don't understand, Harry needs me. He might be in trouble" Louis said his voice cracking.

He needed to see Harry. There's no way he's a ghost. And even if he is he doesn't care. For all Louis knew Harry's there in that hotel, in pain.
"Please Louis stop" Liam pleaded "You can't help him by going out in the storm right now"
"Louis, I don't want you to get hurt. Besides you know how the people are around there" Mrs Franks said, her tone worried.

Louis looked at her brown eyes suddenly feeling guilty. He couldn't see her like that.
"I-I... I won't go" he sighed.
Mrs. Franks gave him a small sad smile. She knew Louis's persistency and that it was hard for the poor boy. "Thank you"

After their conversation Mrs. Franks made some soup and chicken sandwiches for dinner which the boy ate in peace.
Once Mrs. Franks went to bed Liam and Louis sat in the living room watching some late night TV shows.
Walking towards his seat, Louis noticed some papers on the floor. Picking them up his eyes landed on a familiar name.

Before he could read what was inside he heard Liam call out. "Louis you coming?"
"Yeah" Louis glanced at him before putting the papers on the desk and walking towards him.
"So what are we watching?" He asked, settling down.
"I was wondering some footie?" Liam said, flipping through the channels.

Halfway through the match Louis finally managed to ask Liam the thought which was bubbling inside his head for the past hour. "Liam who's Des Styles?" He asked.

Liam sat up straight giving Louis a knowing look "Des was the manager of the hotel." When Louis didn't seem content he continued "he was Harry's father"
"Was?" Louis repeated. "What happened. Did he disown him?"
"Louis, Harry's family died in a crash" Liam spoke sadly. Louis opened his mouth to speak but no words came out. "Th-they died? When?" He spoke in horror.
"They died after the mysterious death of their son. People say that they were hit by a by a drunk truck driver. But gran said it was all planned out" Louis bit his lip unknowingly as he stared off.
"But, it can't be true" he spoke half to himself.
"I'm sorry man" Liam said, running his back soothingly.

Louis accepted the gesture before standing up "I'm going to head to bed. This is too much to handle for a day" Liam wished him goodnight and Louis left the room.

Louis lay on his bed, his mind buzzing with the new knowledge. He shuffled in his place trying to get comfortable but it didn't happen.
'My parents will come back later this week' Harry had said. 'Soon, they'll be here'
Could it be that Harry was lying about it too.

But he can't know! Harry never left the hotel and none ever told him because the hotel was rumoured to be haunted. Harry doesn't know.

Louis shot out of bed, glancing outside his room to make sure no one was awake. Liam lay on the couch, his mouth parted as he slept peacefully.
Making sure not to make a noise before he walked towards the window.

The rain was still pouring down but it had slowed down. "Sorry Mrs. Frank" he mumbled before he slid through the space.
Louis's splashed through the wet pavement, trying to reach his destination as fast as he could.

It felt like déjà vu over again, running through the rain at night but this time Louis knew where he had to go. His speed slowed down as he approached the same familiar and dark building.
"Here's goes everything" Louis mumbled before taking quick steps towards the entrance. He tried to push open the door but it didn't budge.

Suddenly he heard a click before the door opened on its own. Louis stepped inside, looking around the whole place before moving forward. Even in the darkness the place looked the same, all the furniture and decorations in their places.

"Harry?" He called out and as soon as he did something flicked behind him, someone's cold breath trickled on his neck. Louis jolted forward, turning around but when he looked back, there was no one there.
"Harry- H is that you?" He asked but no one responded.

Louis decided to look for the light switch first. He tried to feel his way towards it, his hand brushing against the switch board and he flicked on the light. The hallway lit up revealing no sight of anyone's presence, much to his horror.

Louis walked through the hallway walking towards the only place he could think of where Harry could be.
There, he saw him sitting in the corner, his arms around his legs as he sat. "Harry!" Louis practically screamed as he ran towards him. Harry's eyes flicked towards Louis, his lips parting before he stood up.

Louis wanted to badly to hug him, seeing that Harry's alright, but he stopped himself.
"Louis what are you doing here?" Harry asked, stepping away from Louis. Louis looked at him confused before he reached out to touch Harry but he jerked back. "Stay away"

"Harry" Louis looked hurt "I know you're a ghost, and I-I don't care" he said causing Harry to get stunned in his place. "Who told you?" He questioned.
"I found from someone I know" Louis answered "but Harry I really don't care. I want to help you" he said.
"How are you going to help me?" Harry tilted his head.
"You're parents" Louis spoke "there still not here"
"Stop bring up my parents, they'll come soon" Harry insisted looking away. "They will"
Louis felt his stomach drop at the boy's faith in his parent's return.

He brought his hand towards Harry's cheek, his hand shivering at the touch at the boy's cold skin. Harry's eyes widened at the contact and his eyes focussed on Louis's blue ones.
"I'm sorry Harry but your parents aren't coming back" he said, his voice pained. "They... they died in a crash"

Hello people, I'm so sorry for the late update, but as my excuse I've got my finals and they'll be fining this Tuesday, so you can expect an early update.

What do you think of this chapter?

Also who watched The LateLate Show? Gosh did you see the boys! They looked so good in shorts. *_*

Anyway Larry playing dodgeball and then the talk about No Control! Man I loved it. If you didn't watch it go and do that now, cause you won't regret it.

Okay so byeeee!

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