Chapter 5

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5- Tip-toe through the hallway
A week had passed since Louis first came to the hotel. Much to his astonishment Harry wanted Louis to stay in hotel, not just because he knew Louis didn't have a place to stay but because Harry liked his company. Louis thought the only reason why Harry wanted Louis to be there was because Harry had never hung out with children his age and he was lonely.

Harry's parents were supposed to come any day now but it was starting to get weird how they haven't even contacted Harry yet. Louis didn't like them that much. Because even though he knew little about parenting, he knew that parents shouldn't leave this kids alone at home or in a hotel like the way Harry's did.

It was Saturday night when Louis left his trail of thoughts to focus on Harry who was busy with a sketchpad in his hand. He looked at the boy thinking how he never left this place or met up with someone of his age, apart from his ex-Mary, but Louis didn't like thinking about her.
"Harry come with me to town" Louis suddenly blurted out, catching Harry's attention. He looked up from his pad shaking his head "I can't go" he responded, focussing back on his drawing.
"Please, just this once we'll come back soon" Louis pleaded.

"I'm sorry Louis but I can't go" Harry replied before standing up. He took one look at Louis before he left the room. As Louis watched Harry leave he sighed, afraid that he might've upset the curly haired lad.
Minutes passed and Louis was still fighting himself trying to decide if he should go after Harry or not. He didn't want to invade Harry's personal space but maybe Harry wanted someone to comfort him. He never really had someone to do it before. So with that thought in mind Louis stood up and walked out the room to search for him.

Louis couldn't find Harry in his room or in the rooms on ground floor. He decided to just give up since he didn't want to go to the room on the other floor as the stairs creeped him out. Just as he was about to go back he noticed a silhouette at the end of the hallway. "There he is" he spoke to himself before he started to walk towards it.

"Where were-" Louis started to say but the silhouette disappeared into the room on the right. Confused Louis hurriedly followed it, but when he entered the room he found it empty.
"Harry?" Louis spoke looking around the place. The room was much like his, only that the place with the window was not there, causing it to look darker. He heard the sound of whispers and his heart started to beat rapidly inside his chest, knowing that he couldn't see anyone here.
"Harry stop playing games" he said, giving a nervous chuckle. The whispers became louder and Louis petrified smile turned into a frown. "Harry I'm serious now, stop it you're scaring me" he spoke, his eyes frantically scanning the whole room.

Suddenly he felt someone walking closer to him and whipped around to find Harry staring at him a confused look on his face "What are you doing here?" He asked and as he did Louis noticed that the whispers disappeared.
"Harry are you sure there's no one here?" Louis asked, his voice cracking. For a moment Harry became serious, checking the room if there was someone there but then he noticed Louis's face and he shook his head.
"There's no one here, Lou" he spoke, causing Louis to somewhat sigh in relief.

"I must me seeing things" Louis agreed looking around the room once again. Harry gave him an assuring smile before the two left the room.

For dinner, Louis took out his last remaining sandwich which he had bought before. He asked Harry if he wanted any but the boy stated he had eaten the leftover sandwich from the evening. Halfway through his food Louis realised that they didn't in fact have anything to eat during the evening, which caused him to worry if Harry was eating properly or not. But before he could ask him anything Louis noticed that Harry had already gone to bed.

When Louis lied down on his bedroom he couldn't get the thought of someone being in the room out of his head. He knew he heard voice and he knew he saw the silhouette of that person too. The only thing which was creepy was that it disappeared completely. Maybe it was a ghost' he thought to himself. He shook his head cursing himself for thinking such a childish thought before he decided to let the sleep take over him.

'Stay away from him' the voice spoke. It was a threatening voice, filled with anger.
Something cold ran down Louis's face for a second before the bearer removed it.
'I like you' the voice spoke, 'I want you for myself ' the voice said this time holding some kind of emotion.
'I mean it, if you do something to him you'll regret it' the first voice spoke again. Laughter rang through the whole room as Louis uncomfortably shuffled on his bed. 'Aww look he's waking up. Don't worry though I'll let you play with him as soon as I'm done' the voice said before everything became quiet again.

Hi guys! Hope you like the chapter even though it's pretty short. I'm going to bed now, I've got an exam tomorrow. Wish me luck!

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