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Authors note: short chapter. good luck.


I spent four hours sitting on the steps in Julie's house. I watcher her, her borther, and her dad all leave. One for work, two for school. I didn't have the courage to go talk to Julie. She left about three hours ago, though. So I don't even know why I'm still here. I haven't moved or anything. Haven't thought about anything. Didn't even flinch when they all walked through me. Just sat here staring at a wall. I don't even think I blinked yet.

Some more time passed and Julie came walking into the house. She went to the right of the staircase, and I still didn't move. Just here. Staring.

Shortly after, she went upstairs with an apple. She must've gone to the kitchen. I sat there until her brother and dad came home.I sat there through their dinner. I sat there when her brother went to bed. Her dad was somewhere down here and she went upstairs. I finally built up the courage to go up there with her. I followed her to room.

When she got there, she walked straight into the bathroom. I heard the shower start so I sat in a chair in the corner of the room that faced the bathroom door.


I laid in bed thinking about everything that came to mind, and nothing at all. I suddenly had a question for Luke, so I went to ask him my question, but then remembered he wasn't here. He hasn't been back all day. I haven't left bed all day either, though. He coud be downstairs watching T.V or something, but he never said hi if he came back. Unless I was asleep and missed him coming in.

I got up and went downstairs to find only Carlos cooking in the kitchen.

"Have you seen Luke?" I asked Carlos.

He jumped and turned to look at me.

"Sorry, I didn't mean to scare you," I looked down at my shoes.

"It's okay," I looked back up at him and he was smiling at me. I smiled a weak smile at him.

"Have you seen Luke?" I asked again.

"No, he told us he was going for a walk," Carlos informed me.

"Oh," I sighed. "Thank you anyway."

I walked out of the house and down the road. Luke told me to teleport to him if I needed him. Well I want him, which is close enough to needing him, but how am I going to find him?

I teleported all across L.A. Looking for Luke anywhere I could think of. Bobby, home, Mrs. Harveys, the movies, a concert, the diner, the book club, the orpheum, the streets, even the Hollywood Ghost Club, which was a lot more crowded than I remembered.

I left the club and thought for a few minutes trying to figure out where else Luke could be. I teleported to Willie's and found Alex sitting outside with him. They were just talking.

"Hey Alex," I greeted as I jogged over to them. "Hi Willie."

"Hey, Reggie," Alex smiled at me.

"Reggie's here?" Willie asked.

"Oh, sorry," I apologized. "Here."

I made myself visable to him.

"Oh, hi Reggie," Willie smiled.

"Have either of seen Luke?" I asked them.

"I was talking to him this morning," Alex told me. "He went towards Blackwell Street."

"Thank you," I told them. "See you both around."

I teleported to the start of Blackwell Street. I started walking down the street looking at all the houses. And for some reason I had the urge to walk into this one house. I've never seen it before in my life. I had no idea who lived here. But I wanted. . . No needed to go inside.

I walked up to the front door. I felt like, for reason, I'm going to regret going in here. But my legs carried me inside, and up the steps. At the end of the hallway was a light pink door. My brain was screaming to turn around. Not to enter. But legs carried me forward.


I heard the shower turn off. I was just looking around Julie's room and I turned when I heard the bathroom door open.

I turned to see Julie, dripping water with a towel wrapped around her hair. Yeah, her hair. Not her body. She wasn't wearing anything. She was in no way covered up and for some reason, all I could do was stare. She had move curves than her usual clothes would show. Her dark skin was beautiful, but not my type. And yet, I couldn't help but stare. I watched as she moved around the room, pulling clothes out of drawers and the closet. I was completely mesmorized unitl Reggie came into the room.

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