Twenty Five

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POV-No One

Luke and Reggie laid in T.K's and Carlos's guest bedroom. Both of them were on the floor even though the bed was literally a foot away. They laid opposite of each other, their heads right next to each other and their bodies parallel to the bed. They were both staring at the ceiling and talking about their month apart.

Reggie told Luke about Joshua, and Luke instantly forgave him. He did, however, go on to tell Reggie that if he ever sees this Joshua fella he'd kick his ass for taking advantage of Reggie. To which Reggie asked Luke not to because he believed it was his fault it happened. Luke simply let the topic go because he didn't like thinking about his boyfriend sleeping with someone else.


"Luke?" I asked when Luke finished telling me about how he met John Lennon.

"Yeah, Reg?" he replied.

"What happened to Bobby?" I turned my head to look at him and he was already staring at me.

"Let's go ask," Luke suggested.

He rolled onto his hands and knees and stared into my eyes before kissing me a Spider-Man kiss. He then got onto his feet and helped me to my own. And like the little kids we are, we ran out of the room to find Carlos.

We walked into the living room and found Carlos, T.K, Athena, and Marjan. I liked her, she was cool. And very supportive. I only met her a week ago after Luke and I got back together.

"Hey, Carlos, T.K, Athena, and Marjan," Luke greeted them as he dragged me to the edge of the couch.

"Hey boys," Marjan smiled as she took a sip of her wine.

"Hi kiddos," Athena turned to look at us.

"What do you want, Luke?" T.K asked.

"T.K," Marjan looked at him in shock.

"I've lived with him for a month and a week," T.K said boredly, "when he comes out of his hidey hole it's because he wants something."

"Actually, this time, I don't want anything," Luke smirked.

Everyone just kind of looked at him, so I decided to step in. "I want something this time."

"Condoms are in Carlos's nightstand," Marjan half joked.

"Valuable information, but probably too small for Luke," I joked back, causing Athena to choke on her drink. Both women started laughing a little, but the men weren't impressed.

"Anyways," I continued, "that's not the information I was looking for. I wanted to know what happened to Bobby."

"Under arrest," Athena glared at Carlos.

"What?" Carlos asked.

"You didn't tell them?" Athena asked.

"No, I haven't seen them," Carlos defended himself.

"Bobby was arrested a few days ago," Athena told us. "Forensics found traces of poison in the cheesecake, and the same poison was found in Bobby's bedroom."

"He's going on trial," Carlos continued for Athena, "but chances are he's getting a life sentence without peroll."

"Really?" I asked hopefully.

"Yep," Athena confirmed.

"Does Alex know?" Luke asked.

"Of course he does," Athena replied. "I told him the day it happened. Carlos was supposed to tell you, too."

After a short argument about why Carlos didn't tell us, Luke and I returned to out hidey hole as T.K called it. I laid down where I was before and Luke laid next to me so our shoulders were touching. He still held my hand. It seemed like he was afraid to let go, but I didn't mind because I was afraid to let go of him.

We talked some more about random things, and Luke kept telling me he loved me. I rolled on top of him in the middle of one of our conversations and rested my head on his chest, taking in his sent and burrying my hands underneath his body and my face into his shoulder.

Luke wrapped his arms around me and we fell into a comfortable silence. Except for the occasional sound of Luke kissing my head.

I kissed Luke's neck, and then out of boredom I bit him.

"Ow," Luke twisted so mouth wasn't against his skin anymore. "What the hell was that for?"

"Imagine if being gay was legal and we were still alive," I randomly said.

"That'd be amazing," Luke ran his hand through my hair. "I'd take you everywhere and kiss you in front of every land mark and tell my parents that I'm in love with the sexiest man alive."

"I'd marry you," I smiled at the thought, "But I'd want everyone we have now to be there. Mrs. Harvey, April, Willie, Alex, T.K, Carlos and all their friends and family, and John Lennon and George Harrison. And I want our last name to change to Pettersson, spelled p-e-t-t-e-r-s-s-o-n. Two t's for Patterson, and two s's because Peters ends in s and son starts with one. And I want you in a black and white suit with ocean blue underparts and flower. And I want the same but emerald green. So basically I want an ocean blue and emerald green wedding. And I want it small. And I want a private last dance and pictures in black and white and in color. And a honeymoon in Ohio because I've never been and I've heard there's nothing to do there, but I want to make the point that with you, anywhere is fun."

"You're making me jealous," Marjan walked into the room. "I came to say goodbye but now I'm curious."

I sat up and Luke the same. I spun in his lap so I could face Marjan, but still lean on Luke. Luke wrapped his arms under mine and I rested my hands on his.

"Who's wedding is this?" Marjan asked me.

"No one's," I replied sadly.

"What do you mean?" She sat down on the floor with us.

"If it were anyone's it'd be mine and Luke's, but we're dead and it's still illegal," I slouched into Luke's arms.

Marjan sat quietly, probably not knowing what to say. I continued to think about my fantasy wedding. This wasn't the first time I thought about this wedding. It's been my dream since third grade. I just didn't know who I was marrying until sixth. And I didn't know who I wanted there until today. It used to make me happy thinking about it, buut now it upsets me because there is literally no hope in marrying my best friend.

I looked up and Marjan was no longer in the room.

"Where did she go?" I asked.

"She just left," Luke said as he ran his fingers through my hair again. "Are you okay?"

"I'm fine," I said as I began playing with Luke's other hand. "Just sad that I can't have you by law."

"Let's go for a walk," Luke pushed me to my feet and then stood up behind me. "We're going back to the rooftop."


"You'll see."

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