Twenty Eight

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Febuary 14, 1997 (Valentine's Day)

5:00 AM


"GOOD MORNING, BABY!!" Reggie yelled as loud as he could as he jumped onto me.

I groaned as I turned my head to check the time. This man is crazy. I looked back to his wide smile, and pushed him off of me and onto the bed before rolling so my back was to him.

In less than a second I felt his feet on my back. "Sit up or I push."

I ignored him, seriously doubting he'd push me off the bed. Until I found myself on the floor.

"What the hell, Reginald?" I asked.

He peered over the edge of the bed. "It's Valentine's Day, Lukas. Let's go do things."

"Like sleep in?" I sat up and leaned close to his face.

"No," he pouted. "Like, uhm. . . Go to the movies! Go out for breakfast, lunch, AND dinner because we don't have to pay! And, uhm. . ."

"You're adorable," I gave him a kiss and he laughed a little. "But you know nothing is going to be open yet, right?"

"The beach never closes," Reggie smiled. "Let's go watch the sunrise. We have an hour and a half to get there!"

"Reggie, it takes less than a second to travel anywhere."

"We're walking."

Reggie shrugged and walked out of the room. I followed him downstairs and Carlos and T.K were both already awake. We sat down at the counter while they made themselves breakfast.

"What are you guys doing for Valentine's Day?" Reggie asked them.

"Saving lives," T.K replied.

"Protecting lives," Carlos set a plate of ham and eggs in front of T.K.

"What does T.K stand for?" Reggie randomly asked.

"Tyler Kennedy," T.K looked confused. "Why?"

"I don't know," Reggie shrugged. "We've known you for a month and a half ish and always called you T.K and never knew what it meant. Now we know."

"FIve year olds," Carlos spoke to T.K.

"We are not five," I acted offended. "He's five."

I gestured towards Reggie with my thumb.

"Then I'll have to arrest you," Carlos joked.

"Kinky," I smirked.

Carlos didn't have anything to say and Reggie started laughing.

"You gave it to him on a silver platter," T.K laughed lightly as they started eating their eggs. "Where are you two headed so early?"

"Reggie's dragging me to the beach," I said tiredly.

"Good luck," Carlos smiled.

I nodded and Reggie got really happy for no reason and ran out the door.

"It's in my nightstand for whenever you need it," Carlos told me.

"Thank you guys," I smiled. "But just so you know, it's probably going to be a same day thing."

"That's okay," T.K said. "You can tell us about it later. Sorry you don't get everything you wanted."

"I don't really care," I replied honestly. "He was telling me about it the one day and I would love to give it to him, but we're dead. So it's easier to do it the way I planned. Maybe."

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