A mysterious thief grabs hold of one-half of an ancient artifact that threatens the lives of the wizarding community. Byulyi, a magical law enforcer bands together with Jungkook, her mentee, and Jin, a peculiar time-traveling wizard, to collect piec...
Among a row of trees and street lamps stood the home of a wizarding family. Their house was modest and narrow with yellow bricks, a green door with a golden knocker, and climbing roses.
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(Inspiration for Moon family home, London)
"Do you ever think of yourself as an absolute genius?" Mr. Moon grinned, taking his wife's briefcase and opening the wrought iron gate.
Mrs. Moon smiled at the compliment and followed. "No. Not at all."
"Because I think a celebration is in order. Champagne tonight?"
"Oh. It's not something to brag about," Mrs. Moon was surprised when her husband gently took her hand and started to guide her into an imaginary waltz.
"Being the head of London Museum's Asian Magical History is not something to be modest about, Mrs. Moon," the taller man gave his wife a playful turn and planted a kiss on her lips. "You were brilliant tonight."
Mrs. Moon beamed. "Thank you."
"That one student. What was his name? He was quite the curious one."
"I'm just thankful none of the students fell asleep during my talk."
"Their eyes were probably charmed open while they slept. Ow! Kidding! Kidding!" Mr. Moon opened the door and massaged his arm.
Before making her way, Mrs. Moon looked up and saw the top of two small heads peeking through the third-floor window. She smiled and stepped into the warmth of a home and the smell of baby powder.
(Soundtrack: Anna and Elsa, Frozen Score)
Mr. and Mrs. Moon entered the foyer to the sound of childish giggles. Running towards them, their middle child squealed in delight and threw her arms around her father's neck. Byulyi shouted as her father swung her around in the air. She had just turned five and had a contagious laugh.
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"Da! Mum! Welcome home," Minhyuk, their eldest, huffed and was embraced by his mother. He was seven and had a similar inquisitive mind.
"Aigo. They were supposed to be in bed, but they insisted on waiting up," their grandmother entered and carried Seulgi, their youngest, who had one thumb in her mouth and another hand around her teddy.
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"I hope they didn't give you too much trouble, eomma. The children can be quite the handful," Mrs. Moon said as she took the baby into her arms.
"Ani. They were angels," their grandmother gave a wink. Their parents did not need to know about the cookies they had for dinner or the small quarrel, Minhyuk and Byulyi had over who got to use the blue crayon first.
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"Mum! Da! I want to show you the drawing I made," Minhyuk said and quickly disappeared into the sitting room.
"Me too!" Byulyi wriggled her body, wanting to be put down, and followed her brother.
Minhyuk returned and raised his drawing. Byulyi trailed behind him after accidentally stumbling. She quickly recovered and bounced in front of their parents.
"Me first. My storybooks call this a rocket ship. And- and they can fly through space! Like broomsticks! And- and look what I can do!"
Minhyuk furrowed his eyebrows, and thin tufts of hair rose. At that moment, the drawing began to fly circles around Minhyuk's tummy and sped to the top of their heads. Byulyi giggled as she tried to catch the piece of paper. After one more circle, it landed back on the page, flat once more. Happy at his show, Minhyuk smiled a toothy grin as his family members showered him with applause and pats on the head.
"That was marvelous, Minhyuk-ah."
"Good job, my son."
"My tuwn! (My turn!)" Byulyi sang and flopped her padded bottom on the carpet.
She took a steadying breath and tried to focus on the drawing of a butterfly. Just like her brother's magical display, her wish was for the artwork to flap its crayon wings. With determined eyes and pouted lips, Byulyi willed all the magic in her little body to do something. Anything.
Fly. Pwease. Fly. (Fly. Please. Fly.)
Once the anticipation had dissipated, Mr. and Mrs. Moon exchanged worried looks. Their grandmother watched in silence as she held her hands together.
"Byulyi can't do magic," Minhyuk said matter-of-factly and rubbed his sister's chubby cheeks. "Aigo."
"No faiw! (No fair!)," Byulyi annoyed, tackled Minhyuk. Instead of crying or backing down, both children tumbled and began to draw (tiny) fists.
"All right! All right! Enough you two." Mr. Moon quickly drew out his wand, and sure enough, Minhyuk and Byulyi levitated off the floor and into his arms.
He held them over his shoulders and followed the two females up to the nursery, all while trying to maneuver his steps as Byulyi and Minhyuk kicked each other. One small foot knocked off his glasses, and Mr. Moon sighed.