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In a flash, Byulyi and Jungkook appeared underneath a lamp post

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In a flash, Byulyi and Jungkook appeared underneath a lamp post.

They were in a street where houses had swooping tile roofs and geometric patterns decorated bricks. It was a quiet neighborhood and the only things heard were the barking of dogs and the creak of gates. They were cues that people had finally arrived home from a tiring day at work.

"Mianhamnida, Byulyi-ssi. I should have been more careful," Jungkook murmured as he pulled Byulyi's carry-on. He mentally winced at the memory of scorch marks that he had left during the fight.

"I'm equally at fault, Mr. Jeon. I would have gladly received the punishment with you," Byulyi looked up and gave a reassuring smile.

"Still. I'll do my best not to mess up next time."

A few strides from the corner, they reached a door with stone steps.

"Well, this is home," Jungkook took out his wand. He made a sweeping motion, and his invisible passcode glimmered on the wooden door. Nine-One-Nine-Nine-Seven. The door opened slightly and-

"WAAAH!" A familiar voice echoed from the other side of the door.

Was that? Byulyi tilted her head, but Jungkook quickly slammed the door shut.

"Is there a problem?" Byulyi tried to sneak past the young man's broad frame.

Jungkook looked at Byulyi with mixed expressions of embarrassment and panic. "Problem? No. No. No problem."

A boom of thunder made them jump. "Um. Byulyi-ssi. I hope you don't mind. I have a housemate. Well, technically, he owns this house, but I help out with chores and stuff."

"Mr. Jeon. Er-," Byulyi stared at the ground with creased eyebrows. "Your house. It's leaking."

"Leaking?" Jungkook looked down at his feet. Water and seaweed spewed from the gaps in the doorframe. "I told him to act normal!"

Whatever magic held up the door was quickly losing its grip. A blast of seawater engulfed the pair, and swept them into the house and into a fiasco!

(Soundtrack: Super Tuna- Jin)

Crashing waves and the onrush of seawater filled her ears. When Byulyi opened her eyes, she quickly shut her mouth and held onto the remaining oxygen.

 When Byulyi opened her eyes, she quickly shut her mouth and held onto the remaining oxygen

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It was like seeing the world upside-down or right-side up. Underneath the water, Byulyi watched in surprise as kumquat trees, azalea bushes, and garden chairs swayed with the current. Fishes of various sizes darted in and out of her line of sight. Some were tiny minnows, while others were large groupers, and- Was that a shark?!

Byulyi swiftly maneuvered her body and swam to the surface. She broke free and felt the burn in her lungs.

"Mr. Jeon! Jungkook!" Byulyi cried. She looked left and right, but her body was tossed around in a vicious dance.

"Byul-! Ah! Byulyi-ssi!" Jungkook shouted as he flailed in and out of the water. "I'm here! I'm here!"

Before Byulyi could reach Jungkook, she felt a hard tug from the back of her collar. The next moment, she felt her back come in contact with hardwood, thick ropes, and a flapping cutlassfish. The boat rocked heavily as another person was literally fished out from the waves.

"Mr. Jeon!" Byulyi crawled forward and checked on the boy's head. "Are you alright!?"

"I'm okay, Byulyi-ssi," Jungkook looked up and frowned. "Hyung!"

Behind them, a man turned and broke into a bright smile. Kim Seokjin wore denim overalls, a striped shirt, rubber boots, and a ridiculous straw hat. "Oh! Annyeonghaseyo! Nice seeing you again!"

"Jin? Kim Seokjin?" Byulyi turned to Jungkook

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"Jin? Kim Seokjin?" Byulyi turned to Jungkook. "He's your housemate?"

"You two know each other?" Jungkook said as he gripped the side of the boat.

"Er- yes," Byulyi tried to get up but chose to sit close to the bottom. Her stomach lurched as the boat moved against a high wave.

"Ne! We had a lovely time, didn't we?" Jin squatted down in front of them. He took Byulyi's hand and placed a suave kiss. "So you must be the infamous Auror Moon Byulyi. Jungkook's mentor. Welcome."

"Mr. Kim," Byulyi frowned and tugged her hand away.

"A-ni-yo," Jin pouted his lips and crossed his arms.

What a child! Byulyi thought. "Jin. Swimming is nice and all, but drowning your guests isn't the best way to make a good impression."

"Yeah, hyung! I almost drowned back there!" Jungkook watched as Jin stood up to gather his equipment.

"This ain't about you, Jungkook. Now make yourself useful and hold this," Jin tossed a fishing net to Jungkook, who caught it effortlessly. He then turned to Byulyi and handed her an oar. "I hope you like seafood and boating, Byulyi-ssi."

Byulyi raised an eyebrow and gladly took the oar and the challenge. "Women's Boat Race champion. 2013."

"Impressive! Kaja, yeolobun! We have a super tuna to catch!" Jin stood at the front end of the boat and made a long cast of his fishing rod.

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