A mysterious thief grabs hold of one-half of an ancient artifact that threatens the lives of the wizarding community. Byulyi, a magical law enforcer bands together with Jungkook, her mentee, and Jin, a peculiar time-traveling wizard, to collect piec...
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One month until D-day.
Open a random page in Yoongi's life, and you will often see him reaching and stretching.
Reaching for the highest shelf in the kitchen where his mother hid his favorite turtle chips after a scolding. Stretching his arm up high after the referee tossed the ball. Why plant your feet firmly on the ground when the prize was much higher?
"A little bit more," Yoongi grunted, arm outstretched toward a bird's nest. "There we go."
"How's the view?"
Hands in her blazer pockets, Jieun looked up to see her friend up on a tree in the most amusing position. He had both feet spread on awkward footing, one arm around a thick branch, and another holding a tape recorder. Yoongi looked like a cat that needed saving from the fire department.
"Uh. Slight chance of rain."
Jieun grinned and plopped next to Yoongi's backpack. She breathed deeply. In times like these, she was grateful they lived in a town with a lot of trees. Just behind their school auditorium was a small hill that they liked to escape to.
After a shaky climb down, Yoongi landed. He sat and pressed play on his recording. In their little circle, the sweet chirping of birds sang.
"Imagine these sound effects in an intro," said Yoongi with a small smile.
"A new Min Yoongi classic-"
"Aw. Look at the romantic couple on a date!"
A pair of classmates marched up toward them. They were a few of the wealthier bunch in their year. Choi Jiwon, specifically, strutted the halls thinking he was all mighty.
Yoongi rolled his eyes. "Give it a rest, Jiwon."
"Mwo-go? We didn't say anything," Changwoo raised his hands, feigning innocence. Both sniggered.
A few years back, Yoongi and Jieun made a pact to study hard to transfer to smarter classes and be free of classmates like them. Sadly, book smarts were not their strongest suit.
"Yah! Leave! This place isn't for losers," Jieun stood, chin raised.
"Oooh! The Mrs. is angry. You better work hard after graduation, Yoongi. Keeping a wife will be hard when you're poor," Jiwon smirked.
Next to him, Changwoo howled. "Dude, that won't be hard! They're both in the same income bracket!"
With a fiery look, Yoongi believed that with the short time he had left as a high schooler, he would not be the bigger person. He was going to be the bigger problem. "If you two have nothing better to do just fuck off!"