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The sounds of city life faded away and were replaced by the caws from seagulls and the crash of waves.

Byulyi was on all fours and was desperately willing her stomach to stay calm. Beside her, Jin suddenly lifted his head and exclaimed. "Wah! Still can't get used to that!"

While Jungkook covered his mouth, his insides turning from the strong push and pull of magic, Jin pretended to vomit and made exaggerated gagging noises that were stupidly fake.

He's such a twit. Byulyi mentally commented.

When their conditions were much more stable, Byulyi and Jungkook's eyes widened at the sight of where they stood. 

"Byulyi-ssi. Look," Jungkook turned and pointed his finger towards the floor.

The floor. Byulyi looked in deep confusion. They aren't supposed to move.

"Where are we?" Byulyi asked as she saw what looked like dark waves swirling on what was supposed to be the floor. Her eyebrows furrowed as she palmed the surface. Visually, it was waves crashing slowly, but to her touch, it was as solid as marble floors.

"It's a-," Jungkook whispered.

"An Abyss, I know," Jin said with a resigned look. "The in-between of a wizard and his magic."

Psychologists called it the subconscious. An uncharted realm. To wizards and witches, an Abyss was a manifestation of one's unique magic, emotions, and memories. Everyone had one, just like everyone had a mind. But not everyone was able to tap into it unless you were desperate enough to go there or you had no other choice.

Some appeared in places like a forest filled with fears, a Blue Side. In Jin's case, it was a Black Ocean where he was able to travel timelines.

With a clear mind, both Byulyi and Jungkook were finally able to take in where they were.

The three of them were in a vast space that had no end. The walls, floors, and ceilings blended so seamlessly that it made them feel overwhelmed and cautious of potentially falling into the depths. The surface that they sat on was an ocean that was almost ebony if not for the blue and grey waves that disrupted the color. The horizon was not a clear line but a gradient of disappearing sea foam against total blackness.

Jin casually pressed his palm on the floor. As if the surface were merely gelatin, his hand went through, enabling him to cup a handful of water. He then allowed the liquid to slip through his fingers.

"You should have seen this place when I first got here," Jin's usual smile was gone. "It was all Black Ocean from floor to ceiling. I'm happy I have a sky now."

Byulyi was impressed but felt nervous at the level of magical prowess Kim Seokjin possessed. He was able to access his own Abyss. He created this world.

Shaking his wet hand, Jin quickly changed his expression to a cheerful smile. "It's not always like this. Kaja! There's something special I want to show you guys. Now lie beside me and look up. It's starting soon."

Byulyi apprehensively lay down and placed her hands over her stomach. She felt a little better once her back hit the solid surface. To her right she noticed Jungkook's eyes light up in anticipation. To her left, Jin's eyes glassed over. "Jin? Are you all right?"

"There! It's starting! Shoom!" Jin shouted, pointing to the sky.

(Soundtrack: Abyss- Jin)

An audible sound was slowly changing. In sync with the changing sky, a vague press of piano keys filled their ears followed by the light strumming of guitar strings. The feeling was like being in a grassy field with the echoes of a concert heard from miles and miles away. The horizon that was once blurred waves slowly shone with small dots.

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