A mysterious thief grabs hold of one-half of an ancient artifact that threatens the lives of the wizarding community. Byulyi, a magical law enforcer bands together with Jungkook, her mentee, and Jin, a peculiar time-traveling wizard, to collect piec...
Moon Byulyi waved at the older woman, promising to give her grandson a call in the future. Still recovering from the culture shock, Byulyi sighed and proceeded to walk towards the exit of the Great Southern Gate.
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She scanned the area, and her sight landed on a young man with large innocent eyes. He held up a sign that had Auror Moon Byulyi in the Roman alphabet. To non-magical, it looked like an ordinary sign, but as he waved it side to side, the letters skittered to arrange themselves.
Assembly of the Republic of Korea.
Agency of Korean Magical Law Enforcement.
Safety. Equality. Justice.
Jeon Jungkook, in her brief, stated. He was born in the year 1997. Auror trainee and her mentee for the next six months. Exceptional physical skill level. Fidgety. Banana Milk.
"Good day. Auror Moon Byulyi from the British Ministry of Magic," she greeted. She gave a small smile yet kept the rest of her features impassive. Byulyi emulated Head Auror Ryu Seungryong's aura which was a tad more intimidating than her persona.
"Omo! Omo!" the young man locked eyes with the female and quickly took two staggering steps back. He looked shocked and a blush formed on the boy's cheeks. "Y-yeoja? Mianhamnida. S-sorry. There seems to be a mistake. Sorry- Um."
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Moon Byulyi picked up the word woman and looked confused. She felt sorry for the boy, who began to ramble on.
"Eotoke? Eotoke? The office said nothing about Auror Moon being a woman. It's probably their prank. No wonder they were giggling. How- how do I talk to her? Omo! She's staring at me. I should have let Jin-hyung come with me."
"Relax, Mr. Jeon. Let's start over. Hello. Moon Byulyi. Pleased to meet you," Byulyi held out her hand. Seeing that the young man would probably hyperventilate from shaking a woman's hand she chose to give a polite bow instead.