Chapter one

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No one's POV

He was younger, more gullible. Zenitsu never thought ill of strangers, that was until some started to treat him like dirt; Pushing or hurting him when gramps or Kaigaku wasn't around.

Zenitsu is a crybaby.

He's know for being a wimp and a piece of dead weight. He didn't feel at fault though, his whole life before he was 13 was a living hell. If anyone had to go through the pain of it all, they'd cry too.

He didn't have his life together at all, but gramps still took him in. Gramps showed him how cook, clean and do other chores. He even offered to train him! Zenitsu was confused though, what made him so special? Maybe he could  hear that one peach roll outside on the ground while he was upstairs in his room, what about it?

While Zenitsu could never understand why gramps took him in, he could fully understand his brother's situation. Kaigaku was skilled and talented, he succeed proficiently in everything gramps taught him. Unlike him, who was too scared to even try any other breathing form than the first one. Zenitsu looked up to Kaigaku as a mentor and more importantly, an older brother.

They were like all normal siblings,

they fought and bickered at times

but in the end?

They'd always come back to each other.


Zenitsu had someone he could rely on, he had a proper family for once. How could he not get emotional?

He still had to learn to straighten out his act. If he ever wanted to be accepted into modern society, he'd have to act like them too. So Zenitsu tried to be like the other kids, or more specifically, other boys. If he ever wanted to find love he'd need to act like other boys his age. For the most part, he was like the other kids; for some reason though, there were still people who didn't like him at all. Even when he was being kind or considerate, they didn't want to acknowledge his presence.

The people who hated him always told rumors and lies about him. A group of people eventually bullied him everyday after practice.

Zenitsu would never admit that they bullied him, for one; that would make him know as weak and alone. Second he was afraid for what the consequences were and still believed they could work things out sooner or later

one day though, a final straw was pulled...

It was a oddly cold day, sunny but the way the wind blew made it cooler than it seemed. Zenitsu had brought his light haori to training, not expecting the wind to blow any harder. Zenitsu had been training under gramps for a while now, and he was honored to be one of his students. He had made some friends, but they grew more as acquaintances.

After another day of hellish training, Zenitsu was about to go back inside when someone pulled him over. "Hey Zenitsu, someone wants to meet you at that peach orchid... the one Kaigaku usually trains in."




Zenitsu decided to go




Zenitsu POV

Why did I even bother to come here? The love letter waiting for me might just all be a hoax... I kicked a rock off the pathway I was taking. Even if the love letter is a hoax, I'll still be able to train with Kaigaku! If trains means getting my ass beat of course. As I walked further down the path I heard the beating of several people, very faint heart beats, but loud enough for me to know that a group of people were here. It's... weird. No one ever really visit this place, sure it's beautiful but it's very quiet- That's why Kaigaku loves this place so much.

I sit by a peach tree and listen.

Oddly enough I think I know some of those heartbeats. I keep my ears keen for them, for they seem to be getting closer. Maybe I'm overthinking it, it's probably a tourist group or something form over seas. I remember the tourist really well; probably because of the compliments I'd get. I always value any compliment given to me, even a small one.

I sit and wait.
One of the bushes rustle and out comes,
"... Maya?"

No one's POV

As soon as Zenitsu saw Maya his heart stopped. Maya only ment trouble, and Zenitsu knew that very well by now. Zenitsu stuttered as he spoke, " I'll give you my bag, my money, even my haoir! L-leave me alo-"

Zenitsu was punched in the face, tears dwelled on his eyes, for he knew he couldn't do anything at the moment. Maya shouted as she told others to throw fists. A group of 7 or more people surrounded him, assorted punching going about.

"There he is! The stupid pathetic crybaby, what makes you think you can even have the honor of training under the thunder pillar?"

Zenitsu tried to cover his ears to block out all the negative thoughts, but to his demise his 'amazing hearing' didn't let him.

He covered his ears and squatted down, letting the other kids kick him around, for now the only thing he could do is wait for them to finish and leave. Just then, Zenitsu heard the sound of a familiar heart beat. It sounded like someone he was comfortable with- it sounded like...


Author notes:
YAY IM DONE WOO! Please tell me if you like the story!!

Word count-915

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