Chapter fifteen

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So bad for leaving you all for so long but I promised myself to do one more chapter so think of this as a New Year's gift or something...

Have fun reading and always remember, 

less comments = no more chapters >:)

No one's POV

     Murata sweated profusely after hearing the boy speak. His first impression of him was just some lousy pauper that couldn't even look at demons properly, but now that he's seen his nature, his opinion of him was beginning to change. "I can try to feed it to you in small bits-" Murata proposed. Zenitsu shook his head, "That hasn't worked. I already tried that myself."

     Both boys sighed as they stared pensively at the cup. "Oh, I know!" Murata shouted as he hastily grabbed the cup, "Hold your head back and block your nose." Zenitsu yelped as the boy jumped onto the bed, leaning Zenitsu into the wall.

    ' What is this, a kabedon??'  Zenitsu inwardly thought as he tried not to scream. "Trust me! My mom did this to me all the time when I was younger! Say Ah," Murata rubbed the edge of Zenitsu's chin, bringing it down slowly. "Mmm...This better go well, Murata!" Zenitsu blubbered as the cup's rim came into view.


     "Urgk.." the blonde boy sniffled as the last bit of medicine fell down the back of his throat. "See? That wasn't so bad now was it-" Murata froze. The tears swelling down Zenitsu's eyes combined with his flushed appearance were too much for the heart. He instinctively grabbed a bit of his shirt and pulled it down.

God forbid I fall in love with a man- Thought Murata.

     "Did the butterfly girls tell you to do anything else?", Murata asked. Zenitsu groaned as the question was asked, knowing he'd have to do another thing yet again. "They told me to run around, but I don't think I need to..." "Great! Let's walk around the area then!" Zenitsu gawed as his request was ignored. 

     Still finding it hard to get around, Zenitsu struggled to keep up with Murata as his body parts numbed. But Murata, intent on not giving up, draped Zenitsu's arm over his shoulder and continued to walk. Onlookers could only stare in horror as they saw Zenitsu's limp body drag across the floor and Murata smiling as if he didn't care for a thing in the world.

     Soon enough though, they reached the training grounds and Zenitsu caught a glimpse of his two friends furiously training. He looked Tanjiro, who was currently doing a series of push-ups. 'Aw man, I'm not gonna have it any easier after I've rested', Zenitsu thought as he sluggishly clung onto Murata. 

Murata: "Ah look, it's your friends!" 

Zenitsu: 'Yeah, I noticed.' 

Murata: "Looks like they don't have it easy either.." 

Zenitsu: (Holding an imaginary fist as a vein popped out of his skull) 'You're just so good at saying what's already been told huh?'

     Zenitsu huffed as the pair continued to walk along the path; before they could escape unnoticed, however, Tanjiro's eyes already locked onto them. 

There was a thud. 

     "AHHH!! KAMADO-SAN ARE YOU OKAY???", a terrified butterfly girl ran up to check on the boy who went face first into a pile of dirt. "MWHAHAHAH! GONPACHIRO IS ALWAYS BELOW, THE GREAT INO-", the boy's eyes wandered to the pair who were pressing closer to each other, with even more skin-to-skin contact. 


Inosuke followed Tanjiro's example of falling flat on his face.


So uh...How ya'll doing :) Hehehehehehe sorry for not updating in forEVER!!! I had some stuff to take care of... Hope ya'll enjoyed this chapter and peace out lovelies <333 

(I swear the next one will be at least 800 words guys,,, TRUST.)

Author-Chan OUT!

You've reached the end of published parts.

⏰ Last updated: Jan 02 ⏰

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