Chapter three

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-2 years later at the final section-

Zenitsu POV

WHY DID I EVER THINK I COULD JOIN THE DEMON SLAYER CORPS? I'm gonna die, I just know it! I stood around the area, staring blindly at the sky. Many other people were there as well, as far as I heard I could say it was around 20 maybe? Maybe I should team up with someone. Then again, who would ever want to team up with me.. No. I don't want to depend on anyone, I need to stand up for myself.



"I'm going to die..." I whisper.

I haven't done anything without Kaigaku or gramps assistance, how the hell will I do this all by myself? I hear rapid footsteps behind me, someone then bumped into me.

"Ah-, sorry"

The boy that bumped into me was slightly taller and had slicked back burgundy hair. He also wore a pair of hanafuda earrings. I noticed his heavily calloused hands, and only then did I hear his heartbeat. It sounded so calm and sincere, like a running river.

"It's alright"

I give the boy a half smile while trying not to look terrified. I hope gramps and Kaigaku have prepared the flowers for my funeral. We both turn around and listened to the two girls in front. "Everyone we thank you for coming" I blocked them out, and looked at the boy once more. He seems very friendly and calm, yet his heart is beating as fast as mine.

AUGH! enough about him, right now I have to focus on not dying young!

-time skip to the end of the week-

I don't even know how I survived this week. I was very sure I was going to die a gruesome death. When all of us returned to the same spot only 4 (new) slayers have came back, I'm either one lucky bastard or a talented idiot.

-Time skip again to when he's on the road (two time skips in a row lmao)-

I'm so tired! I haven't had any food since yesterday morning. I knew I should've saved something, how I regret not making that decision. I sit down, tired from walking for so long. 'this sucks i'm definitely going to die out here'

I hear footstep approaching my direction. I would think it's a demon and run away, but I'm too tired and hungry to think. "Hey, are you ok?" I look up to see a girl offering a hand to me. It make me feel.. special (more like wanted), ok play it cool Zenitsu, you just met this super cute girl and you need to have a good impression! Make sure she doesn't have a boyfriend (or girlfriend) yet, ask her for her name and we're all set. I say in my most polite voice, " Sorry for bothering you, I got a little side tracked and needed some time to think". I almost let my eagerness break though, stay calm Zenitsu, you're doing fine. "It's perfectly fine, I heard you grumbling for some reason, are you hungry perhaps?"


I smile sheepishly and nodded my head. The girl took something out from behind her, it was a plate of tricolor dango. I thanked her and took one, she must've made this and boy does it look good. I will savor this treat for ages to come!

After a few minutes have passed I felt something peck my shoulder, it was Chuntaro my bird. He was most likely pecking me because he wanted me to stop wasting time. "Alright," I said while standing up, "Thank you so much for the food again!" I bowed to show respect; the girl giggled and smiled softly before saying, "It's a shame, I would've liked for you to stay. Well then, be on your way now." I waved goodbye and watched her fade in the distance.

The farther we went along the path the more my thoughts started to unravel, would I die on my first night? What was I supposed to do? Would I make friends? What if I got caught in some demon's trap? Chuntaro caught on to my stress levels and snuggled my head. I'm feel very grateful to have him at times, sometimes though it is a bit frustrating.

This is going to be a long night..


Author's note: eyyyyy this chapter turned out longer than expected but that ok, don't worry I will introduce at least one character in the next chapter. Author-chan out!! <33

Word count: 746

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