Chapter four

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Zenitsu's POV

     As the sun began to sink in the west, I headed onward, and by that I mean whichever way Chuntaro was telling me to go. He squabbles on my head as I groan, this job is so energy draining! No wonder Kaigaku always pushed himself during training.

     My keen ears are the only thing keeping me alive, I'm sure of it. Just then, I heard footsteps and a heartbeat, a human heart beat. I sighed in relief as I sped up to catch up with the sound. Chuntaro was as noisy as ever, but I didn't pay attention to him. All I need right now is rest!! As I rushed to the direction of which the heart beat came from, I noticed that it sounded familiar...

Like the sound of a calm river..


Tanjiro's POV

     I walked up along the trail as my crow from above shouted. I didn't pay attention though, I felt like something or someone was creeping up on me, so I decided to act more cautious. As I whiffed the air I smelt something peculiar, sweet peaches... a very distinct smell indeed. I think I remembered smelling this at the final selection! 

     I felt the need to turn around, and as soon as I did I crash face-first into someone.


The boy who smelled like peaches.




     I back away as I see the boy cover his face in pain. "AUH- OW, oW, ow!" I hear him yelp in pain, "Is your head made of rock or something?". I laughed at the irony, "Sorry, I didn't think you were that close" I say while consoling the boy. He looked up at me with tears flaking in his eyes, he had that sort of expression of which people could swoon over. I heard him sniffle for a bit before asking for my name.

"Tanjiro Kamado!" I say cheerfully

"Nice to meet you, I'm Zenitsu Agatsuma"

     I paused for a moment. . . Agatsuma-? That means my wife- So every time I call him by his full name, I'll be saying Zenitsu my wife? Maybe I stood there for too long because he then stuttered a nervous expression. "PleASe! for the life left in me- don't tease my surname!" I hear him pout like a kid as he held a tired face. 



     After I calmed down, I agreed not to tease Zenitsu about his surname. After a few minutes of walking I noticed the bird on his head. It didn't look like the standard Kasugai crows. "Did you not receive a normal crow?" I asked Zenitsu while eyeing the bird on his head. The boy shrugged and then asked me where we were going. I gave out a pathetic laugh and said "I'm not so sure, I'm just heading wherever my crow leads me, possibly to a demon." His whole scent changed when I mentioned the word, 'demon'. Instead of sweet peaches, he smelt like rotting melon. "LIKE A BIG SCARY ONE!!?, NONONONONO I CANT DIE YOUNGG- TANJiRrOoO!" he hid behind me in fear. "You'll protect me, right? RIGHT?" Zenitsu looked at me with a worried expression. Maybe it was something about being depended on, but I felt my face flush. "O-of course I'll protect you!" I say a little too loud. Zenitsu's face softened and the smell of musky melon disappeared, and was replaced with peach again. I took that as his little way of saying 'thank you'.

     We walked for a little more when I smelled fear and pain coming from a house. It looked normal, yes but you could never trust anything these days. Zenitsu and I stood in front of the house, everything was quiet. Too quiet. That's when I noticed the smell of fear was coming from two children at the side of the house. They both looked terrified and tired. "Nii-sa-an...", one of the kids said while trembling. Zenitsu cupped his ears, "Tanjiro.. do you hear that?". I gave him a confused expression, "It sounds like a.. tsuzumi."

     I turned back around to the kids and asked what they were doing here, "Our brother was taken away, w-we followed his blood trail to this house." Their eyes were dull with fear, then I heard it. The faint sound of a tsuzumi getting louder and louder, as the beat went on, me and Zenitsu stared at a open window in horror. A young man fell out, clothes soaked in blood and other various fluids. Zenitsu rushed to the fallen stranger as I yelled to the kids, "DON'T LOOK!" Zenitsu lifted the man's head, "Sir! stay with me, hang in there!" Zenitsu was frantically trying to stop the bleeding, but he soon found trying too would be pointless. The demon residing in this house was ruthless, not like other demons were nicer though.

     Zenitsu was trying his best not to break down, 'this is probably the first time he has seen someone die..' I though. As soon as he realized the man wouldn't make it, he bawled his eyes out. It was painful to watch, how much he cared for someone who he barely knew. I knelt beside him and put my hand on his shoulder. 

     "Zenitsu, let's go.", I say while standing up. Zenitsu hesitated for a few moments, still holding the man's cold hands. "I'm going to die anyway... huh?" Zenitsu eyes showed pity for the man as he tried to catch his breath. "Even after all of that.. am I still going to die?" Zenitsu firmly gripped the man's hands and took a deep breath. Neither Zenitsu or I spoke, but after a while Zenitsu started humming.

(The linked video is what he started humming)

     It was a very sweet lullaby, a alluring and peaceful end. The man spoke once more, "I'm glad to have had such a bittersweet end to my story, thank you for your kindness." I felt the tug on my heart, 'poor man' I though as I stood still. I held my hand out for Zenitsu and helped him up, "Forgive us, we will bury you after we defeated the demon.", I said. I heard Zenitsu whisper beneath his breath, "This demon is about to get it's ass kicked."


YAYYYY IM SORRY I TOOK SO LONG WITH THIS CHAPTER! Also, testing is coming up so that means even less updates :') Also, remember, this is a harem fic!! Your ship will come along eventually.

Word count: 1070 

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