Chapter ten

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Zenitsu POV

     As I slowly got out of our hut I realized how awful night was. We were sent away by the old lady and off we went. At some point I didn't even try to keep track of where we were going. I just followed Tanjiro in hopes for the best and kept one feet moving in front of another. I caught my breath as we met our destination (presumably). "H-hey Tanjiro, can we *gasp* slow down a little?" Tanjiro and Inosuke both turned to face me as I fell to the floor. I lifted my head up with an exasperated expression before trembling, "Zenitsu? Are you alright?" Tanjiro looked at me worriedly. I bit my lip and a moment of silence passed. "I'm.. scared. TERRIFIED EVEN!! AHUHH THE FOREST IS SO SCARY AND DARK, AND SUUUPER BIG WHAT IF I GET LOST AND DIE SOMEWHERE?" I wail as my eye sight became blurry with tears. Suddenly Inosuke jumped infront of me. He was really close to my face, too close for my own heart-. "Monitsu is a wimp!", Inosuke huffed while Tanjiro apologized on behalf of Inosuke. "You can't blame me! Anything could happen to me and no one would know! I don't even have anyone who'll be willing to protect a 'wimp' like me!", and with that I though my case would be justified. "Protect?", Inosuke sneered, "I, THE GREAT INOSUKE AM THE BEST AT PROTECTION!" Inosuke then hurled me over his back and I swear my heart beat went 10 times faster than it should. "I WILL PROTECT MONITSU!"


     Tanjiro seemed to dislike the thought of me being under Inosuke's protection, and to be honest if screaming random insults at the darkness while carrying me on his back was protecting, I would dislike it too. But I don't. I kinda like it in fact. Being able to depend on someone. Kaigaku used to do this every once in a while, but since he had many mission, he wasn't always around anymore. Gramps also had his own life to take care of, so why should he care about my personal whining? "Inosuke, can we slow down? Tanjiro is behind us n-"


     "Inosuke! Why'd we stop so suddenly?" My question was answered when I saw a person crawl out to us. I got down from Inosuke's back and ran to the person. Helping him up, I heard him mutter a few words. "" Tanjiro had caught up to us and pointed out that the person on the ground was part of the demon slayer corps. Tanjiro helped him get up and asked what happened. "It's too late, they..", suddenly he was pulled from behind and yanked back into the forest. WHAT THE HELL. NONONON IM GOING TO DIE EVERYONE IS GOING TO DIE! TANJIRO IS GOING TO DIE INOSUKE IS GOING TO DIE AND PRECIOUS NEZUKO TOO?! AUHHHHHHH!!


     After I mentally prepared myself I took a deep breath and walked alongside Inosuke and Tanjiro as we trudged deeper into the forest. Inosuke pulled apart some spiderwebs and complained about how sticky it was. I knocked him in the head for being stupid. Reaching a hill Tanjiro spotted another corps member yet again. 

     Tanjiro cautiously placed a hand on him and the slayer turned around, frightened. He had a lot of sweat running down his forehead, and was very obviously stressed. "I'm Tanjiro Kamado rank mizunoto and me and my friends are coming to help!" His eyes widen with horror and a little disappointment, which I personally would relate with if three deranged teenagers came to me offering their help. "Mizunoto? How useless! No matter how much Mizunoto they send it'll never be enough! They should've called a Hashira instead." Inosuke pulled his hair in a rage. "How useless for you to keep talking if you can't serve a purpose!" 

     Tanjiro yelled and Inosuke to act properly and then he turned back to the frightened boy. "Could you tell us what happened at least?", I muttered. There was silence before the boy sighed and continued to talk, "We went in a group up the mountain..but suddenly some of our members acted very strange. They started to attack each other and I barely made it out alive!", the boy's voice cracked and tears started to spill over his eyes. I sat down behind him and started to rub circles into his back, "Don't push yourself alright? First of all what's your name?" The boy looked up, clearly still scared but replied in a shaky voice, "M-Muruta"

     Suddenly a rumble was heard in the distance and the boy started to speak "That's the sound I heard before everyone started killing each other!" Wait what. HOLD UP. I CAN'T FIGHT?? WHAT AM I SUPPOSED TO- HAHHHH!!?? I CAN COMFORT SOMEONE BUT FIGHTING FOR THEM IS A WHOLE NOTHER THING! The sound of the sword dragging on the ground reached my ears and my reflexes drew my sword quickly towards the sound. "They're coming in from..EVERYWHERE!", I panicked as I fumbled with my sword. Inosuke and Tanjiro looked at me confused but then saw the distinct outline of people almost motionless. Like dolls tied to a string.

This will be one hell of a night...


Author's notes: Sorry about not updating in a while (like three month) but since kny is one of my more active fandoms, you'll be getting more words and attention than my other fan-fic, so be happy! 

also, should Muruta also have some scenes with Zenitsu? He doesn't have to play a huge part, but I would like him to be more involved in the story :) 

Author-chan, OUT! <333

word count: 942

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