Chapter two

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Zenitsu's POV

That's Kaigaku..

I can't let him see me like this! I need to stop this somehow.. I lift my head up to see a opened water bottle slowly tilting to the ground.


The water had already gushed out, my hair got drenched on impact leaving my whole head exposed to the cold wind blowing in the background. The minute the water stopped pouring, I was shaking from head to toe.

I felt more tears prickle the edge of my eye. Kaigaku's heart raced faster, I can hear him more clearly now. If he was angry before he's furious now, I spun my head to the direction he was coming from.

"Hello Kaigaku.."




No one's POV

Kaigaku was fuming. What position were these people in to treat his little brother like shit?

"HEY YOU MOTHER FUCKERS" Kaigaku shouted while staring at Maya.

The commotion died down and Maya's face quickly changed to a shocked expression, for everyone knew who Kaigaku was; one of the adoptive sons of their teacher, and the predicted future thunder pillar. While everyone kept in mind that there were two brothers, no one besides Jigoro and Kaigaku knew who the mysterious other brother was.

"Kaigaku-sama!, I... t-this is a misunderstanding!" Maya stuttered while fumbling with her hands.

Kaigaku gritted his teeth. 'How dare they try to lie in my face?, I've already seen what you've done with no hesitations. I'll teach them respect!'


Kaigaku stepped in front of Zenitsu


"Bullying is not tolerated, ESPECIALLY if you're bulling MY little brother."

Everyone's eyes dilated in horror; they knew the consequences of a short-tempered Kaigaku. Maya stepped forward and bowed slightly as she struggled to speak.

"I'm so sorry about the trouble, please forgive us Kaigaku-sama" Maya reflected with no emotion other than fear, Zenitsu could hear the quivering of her heart. "Please excuse u-"

Kaigaku picked Maya up by her collar

"Listen here you little shit. If I see you guy even touch him one more time, I'll make sure none of you get to see the sun shine again. Am I making myself clear?"

Maya shook her head repeatedly, "O-of course!" The rest of her 'gang' had left in fear and cowardliness.

Kaigaku did not spare her at all. She was thrown to the floor in a fit of rage,

"Now scram, shit-pile"

Kaigaku didn't notice it at first but Zenitsu had clung on to him. The warmth that radiated from Kaigaku gave comfort to Zenitsu, but alas realizing how cold it must've been, Kaigaku gave Zenitsu an extra towel he was going to use during training.

Kaigaku felt a mix of emotions, mostly fueled by rage; his younger brother who he cared for dearly, was getting bullied. The worst part is he'd never notice, the sense of guilt gnawed at his brain. As he was deep in though, Zenitsu though of the right words to say.

"Sorry for the inconvenience, onii-chan"

Kaigaku snapped his neck at Zenitsu

"I'll train extra hard today! PLEASE don't tell gramps"

Zenitsu looked like he was on the verge of tears again. He never meant for this to get serious! Kaigaku took a step closer to Zenitsu and quickly drew him into a hug. After a few moments, Kaigaku released his arms from him.

"..., Why did you not tell me about what was going on?"

Zenitsu could hear the pain and guilt in his voice, It was the first time he's seen Kaigaku this vulnerable (emotionally).

"From now on, I'll never let that happen again. Even if I die while doing so" Kaigaku snarled.

Kaigaku kept his word. Although he was a bit protective at time, Zenitsu understood where he was coming from and in fact, never blamed him.

Over time, Zenitsu felt guilty for never telling gramps about the whole situation, but he was content with what he had now. He loved his family more than anything,

That was all that mattered in the momment.


Author note: Hey guys! guess who's coming in the next chapter ^^

hope you enjoyed this chapter <3

Word count-661

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