Chapter twelve

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Hi guys long time no see <333 hope ya'll don't bash on me too much for posting like 1000000 months later but ¯\_(ツ)_/¯


No one's pov

     Zenitsu had amazingly run a few miles away from his friends in a split minute and now he was lost and didn't know where the hell he was. All he knew was that his hand hurt like hell and he had conveniently run out of food. "Just my luck." Zenitsu said with a sigh, "I wouldn't be surprised if a demon came to attack me right this moment." And what do you know, the next thing he heard was manic laughter ahead of him. 

     The stench was absolutely horrible it overtook Zenitsu's senses making him tear up. He looked up and saw an array of demon slayers all hung out on a web. They looked like clothing being hung out to dry, but it would be a mistake to think this was anything like home. It was the most terrifying thing Zenitsu had saw in his life so far. Nearly fainting in fear, Zenitsu barely remained conscious as he heard a voice coming from a house being strung up by the webs. "It's too late to run now, so you outta stay put!" His eyes darted to a spider-like demon hanging by some of the threads Zenitsu had seen earlier in the forest. It laughed with a loud noise and spun it's way down just enough that you could see it shine in the moonlight. Zenitsu felt his hand pulse and he looked down to see his hand turning purple! 

     "Oh hell no." Zenitsu ran up a tree and just sat up there terrified. He heard the twitching of spider feet and the scrambling of spiders below his feet. 'WHAT THE FUUUUUUU-' And then he fainted.



     When Zenitsu finally woke up and regained consciousness, he felt dizzy and unable to move. His limbs felt immovable and it hurt like hell. But somehow, by the grace of god, he had survived. He was alive. He rested on top of the house he had seen the demon in. He sighed and waited for what seemed like ages until someone came to his side. He was expecting it to be a Tanjiro or atleast Inosuke, but instead a pretty girl had made it by his side. She had a side ponytail with a butterfly clip holding it up. Her eyes seemed to work tirelessly as she tied-up Zenitsu's wounds. "Who are you?" asked Zenitsu who could only see the faint outline of the girl. The girl smiled weakly as she shot Zenitsu's veins with antidotes. "I'm a demon slayer. Just like you." 

Zenitsu's POV

     Wow she's so pretty... The girl looked at me surprised. Damn did I say that outloud? "It's probably the moonlight. Makes all girls look pretty.", she said. I closed my eyes embarrassed that I even said something like that. "I'm sorry, I swear I'm not trying to be weird or anything." I say in a desperate attempt to save myself. She shook her head and chuckled a bit, "It's ok I can handle a compliment or two." We sat in silence as she finished taking care of my wounds . I thanked her and she assured me that it was no problem and it was the least she could do. She sounded so troubled yet she kept on such a strong face. It was kinda scary but like, cool at the same time?- Just as I was going to speak again I heard another person run towards us lightly. She scolded the girl lightly before turning to me. I still couldn't see anyone that well, but I could tell at the very least that she was a Corps member.  "I will take this one back to the mansion. You should focus on the task at hand, ok Kanao?" So her name is Kanao. Right, I have to thank her properly if I happen to meet her again. 

     I was surprised by two hands that had pulled me up and hurled me over their shoulder. "I guess I'm being carried to safety." I thought. After that I guess I just blacked out.




Author's notes:

Sorry guys, but as I'm getting older I'm getting more and more tired of wattpad. I've had a good run here, but honestly, I think it's time for me to move on and graduate. I'll announce my a03 account later, but tell me if you guys even want me to finish this.

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