Chapter six

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Zenitsu POV

     I didn't have to turn around to know what was behind me. "DEMON!", I shouted and shoved Shoichi in a room. Following him, I grabbed my nichiren blade and turned around. It was then I saw a horrifying demon come out of the shadows. It's tongue was unnaturally long, and it had about two pairs of eyes. The blood and fluid dripped from the demon's mouth. "Tasty prey!? How it must be my lucky day!" The demon sensed the room once more. "Marechi blood...two in a row, I must be pitied by the great one! (referring to Muzan). The demon shriek hysterically. I felt my head spin and I was met with pitch darkness.

3rd person POV

     Zenitsu dropped to the floor. Overwhelmed by his senses and irrational thoughts. Shoichi panicked and sat beside Zenitsu. "Sir! Sir...please, get up.", Shoichi was crying and his voice was cracking.

something snapped in Zenitsu.

"Protect the ones too weak to protect themselves, and that is called kindness Zenitsu. You are the kindest person I know. Move. Your. Feet."

     Since his sub-conscious self could not be interrupted by Zenitsu's worried thoughts, it reacted immediately to the horrifying tongue of the demon. A thunk was heard and both Shoichi and the demon saw half of the tongue that had been cut off, wriggling on the floor. "Putting up a fight, eh? Well I'll make sure this ends quickly!!" The demon lunged at Zenitsu, the next second, Shoichi saw the demon's head severed. It's lifeless body fell to the ground. The head gave out a shocked expression before rolling on the ground. Zenitsu put his blade back into his belt. "For the hell and chaos ensued in this house, I pity the demons. This places blast the sound of sorrow and disappointment.

     Zenitsu came back to his senses after saying that. He spotted the head on the floor and freaked out. "WHY IS HE HEADLESS NOW?? WHAT IS GOING ON!?", Shoichi didn't say anything, he was too surprised to speak. It didn't take long for Zenitsu to snap out of it and hurriedly grabbed Shoichi's hand and ran out of the room. "Come on.. there has to be a way out of here!", Zenitsu cried while running through the rapidly changing hallways. Before he knew it, his vision was spinning and he couldn't make out any sound going on around him. Zenitsu, on instinct, immediately pulled Shoichi into his arms and shield him while they both fell out the window.


     Zenitsu woke up just a few minutes later, with a anxious Shoichi hanging over him. "You're awake!", Shoichi smiled in relief. Zenitsu had a splitting headache but was glad Shoichi was safe. "Course I am! It takes a lot more than a fall to kill me!" Zenitsu smiled gleefully. Shoichi still looked nervous, so to calm his nerves Zenitsu let him sit on his lap while he combed through his hair. For Shoichi, it reminded him so much of his brother, that he began to cry. "A-ah!?- Don't cry.. was I doing something wrong?!", Zenitsu panicked slightly. Shoichi just stayed silent and rested on Zenitsu's chest. "You're like onii-chan."

     Zenitsu understood. Not only by the sounds coming from Shoichi, but his feelings too. Zenitsu understood the fear of losing a sibling, never getting to see, hear or feel them anymore. Even the possibility of that scares children. "Tanjiro will get your brother back. If I have to, I'll go back inside myself.", Zenitsu looked at shoichi with determination. Shoichi just smiled and rested on Zenitsu's lap. 'You better come back in one piece Tanjiro! With Teruko and their brother!' Zenitsu though furiously. 

Zenitsu's POV

     BAM! My eyes widened as I looked towards the direction of the sound. The boar person we met in the hallways was now outside, seems like he beat Tanjiro to the demon...wait. Why is he heading towards the box?!


Author's Notes: 

This is how much I love you guys.

two chapters





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