Chapter thirteen

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I decided to make this chapters about the brothers so if you don't want to read then you can skip to the next chapter bc this is basically filler lol. And to those who are seeing this before the next chapter comes out... suffer :)


Zenitsu's POV

     I gasped as my conscious came back to me. I opened my eyes to bright light coming from the windows, lighting up everything around me. To my right, Inosuke was sleeping? (I'm not so sure if he was sleeping because he was still wearing his stupid-ass boar mask) and to the left Tanjiro was passed out. I let out a shaky breath that I didn't even know I was holding. As long as those two idiots were alive I felt as if I'd be alright. Tears stream down my eyes as my vision lingered on the two. Just then, a voice came from the right of me, "You're awake already?" A girl with violet blue eyes stared down at me as I screamed. I unfroze a bit as my jitteriness went away, "Sorry, I just didn't notice you were there." I mumbled, still tired from the previous night. She shook her head and looked at me with resentment as she handed my a cup of ... weird green stuff. My face  

     I thought I would be able to enjoy a moment of silence after that but instead I was met with a loud crash from outside the hall. The shouts of two other people talking right outside the door rang across the entire room. If they had been any louder, I'm sure Tanjiro would've woken up. The voice sounded familiar, like someone I knew too well. . . Just as I reached my conclusion, the door swung open with such force that the girl beside me flinched from the sound that it had made while hitting the wall. My eyebrow poked up as I saw the same outline I had to see so much in the past. He rushed to my bedside, promptly ignoring the girl sitting beside me cursing at the inconvenience he had made for her. To the girl, I apologize in advance but even if I was across the world, Kaigaku would still hurry over to me if I was ever hurt. He flocked me with a hundred questions, some like 'Are you hungry?' and others like, 'Why did you even become a demon slayer?' 

     In truth, Kaigaku had always rejected the thought of me being a demon slayer, saying it was too dangerous for someone like me; but because of gramps unmovable will to teach me how to hold a sword, his opinion was tossed aside. I still remember the time at final selection when Kaigaku waited for me the whole week at the base of the mountain, his face breaking once he saw me return.

     I smiled as he continued to blabber on about I should lose some of my baby fat and then how I should eat more because I was getting too skinny. 'What a hypocrite' I thought teasingly. His voice stopped for a second as he seemed to shake in his seat. I tilted my head and looked at him worriedly, "Kaigaku, are you ok??" I saw the smallest of tears rim the edge of his eyes as he looked at me harshly. The girl that was sitting near me was already treating the others, and Kaigaku's rant didn't seem to bother her one bit. "Don't ever do that again. Protect yourself better. Gramps didn't put you through all of that training for nothing!" His voice cracked into a little yell before he realized how loud he was being and shushed himself down. My eyes widened in surprise, "Sorry for making you worry Kaigaku." I sighed leisurely as I reassured him I wasn't going to be hurt for long and would make a safe recovery.

     By the time he had to go for another mission, he was bawling his eyes out and tried to hug me as the nurses in the room pushed him out as best they could. Even after they closed the door on him I could hear his voice in the hallway, "Stay safe you shitbag!" He really needed to work on his language, but nevertheless he's still the brother I've known and loved for years now.

     I smiled proudly as I take out the secretly handed bento box he had given me. He had told me the great trouble he had to face to bring it here unscathed and insisted I eat it instead of the food they gave me at the mansion. He said something like 'Aoi's food is always bland and bitter so you're better off eating dirt then her food!' Which earned him scoring gazes being thrown at him. Although I didn't know who Aoi was, I trusted my brother and accepted the food eagerly. I'm as good as a cook as him since he and I both learned to cook together and although it went horribly wrong sometimes, I still had fun whenever we'd be in the kitchen together. I opened the box underneath my sheets as I began to snag bites of rice and rolled egg. It taste exactly how Kaigaku would make it, a bit raw on the inside with some ketchup drizzled on top.

I was close to finishing it when I heard a snap com from the other side of me. 


Author's notes: eheh I updated -o-

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